Kristina de Kiev, Ukraine

This week is glad to introduce a charming lady Kristina from Kiev, Ukraine. Kristina is a very positive and purposeful lady, who loves fitness, reading books, and traveling. She is looking for her perfect man, who will be able to share his life with her and create a strong family. Would you like to know more about her? Read Kristina’s story and enjoy her wonderful photos.

Hi dear,

2020 forced us to go through many hard­ships and I came to a very use­ful con­clu­sion.... if a per­son car­ries those hard­ships alone it's very dif­fi­cult but if you have a loved per­son by your side and if the hard­ships are shared with that per­son then even those hard­ships be­come easi­er. The best thing is to have sup­port... even a kind word can help when you feel low or down... They say that one in the field isn't a war­ri­or... ev­ery man should have his se­cond wing... I'd try to be a very sup­por­tive, lov­ing, car­ing wing…

I hope that my se­cond wing is on this site too)

When we meet on­ly then will we be able to fly and be­come re­al­ly HAP­PY. Do you agree with me?

I wish you sereni­ty and safe­ty in th­ese tough times but any­way your love is go­ing to find you soon and it will be the purest love you'll ev­er have had. Just know that for some wo­m­an who meets you on the site, you will be a re­al su­per­hero and she'll re­al­ly feel a deep sense of love and hope for a fam­i­ly. You will be­come some­body’s world.


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