Tamara uit Poltava, Ukraine

This week BeHappy2Day.com is glad to introduce a bright woman Tamara from Poltava, Ukraine. Tamara is a loyal, honest, passionate, kind, and independent person who wants to share her love and life with someone special. She likes traveling, cooking, reading, dancing, listening to music and doing sports. Tamara wants to meet a smart, passionate, kind, and optimistic man with a good sense of humor. Would you like to know more about her? Read Tamara’s story and enjoy her wonderful photos.


I am Ta­mara. As you may know, it is wide­ly ac­knowl­edged that Ukrai­nian wo­m­en are con­sid­ered to be some of the most beau­ti­ful wo­m­en in the world and, while I am lucky to have a pret­ty face, I think that in­n­er beau­ty is more im­por­tant.

By pro­fes­sion I am a fi­nanci­er but my hob­by is make-up.

I have al­ways found make-up in­ter­est­ing and when I was about ten years old, I start­ed ap­p­ly­ing my first make-up, just for fun, us­ing my mother’s spare cos­met­ics which was a great ex­pe­ri­ence.

While make-up might not seem to be as pro­duc­tive a pas­time as read­ing, cook­ing or gar­den­ing, it is a hob­by that brings plea­sure be­cause it is like paint­ing and play­ing with col­ors.

Make-up al­lows me to vi­su­al­ly ex­press my per­so­n­al­i­ty and mood.

I think as soon as your hob­by be­comes your job, it might cease to be fun but nev­er­the­less I dream of be­ing a make-up artist and open­ing my own beau­ty sa­lon.


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