Svetlana from Kiev, Ukraine

This week is glad to introduce an amazing lady Svetlana from Kiev, Ukraine. Svetlana is a very sociable lady. She is looking for a person who will be able to support her in different life situations, who will trust her and who will be ready to go with her everywhere. Would you like to know more about her? Read Svetlana’s story and enjoy her beautiful photos.

Hel­lo dear,

I as­pire to meet the man of my life. For years and years I seem to have been sur­round­ed by the type of wo­m­an who is wait­ing for her true prince. But I don’t think like that and I’m al­ways ready to try a new re­la­tion­ship. Are you?

Telling you about my­self could take a long time and I think this is good.

In my view, a wo­m­an must be like an in­ter­est­ing book for a man, one that he would like to open and start to read right now.

Hav­ing a man who al­ways sup­ports and un­der­s­tands me is my big dream. I like to dream about our days to­gether – days that will be full of love, ro­mance and re­lax­a­tion...

It will not on­ly be things like cof­fee in bed, our break­fasts to­gether, shar­ing a bath with can­dles or send­ing ro­man­tic mes­sages... I think a dai­ly rou­tine al­so has a ro­man­tic air about it. Like choos­ing food for din­n­er, talk­ing about new looks, tick­ling each other and laugh­ing... our fam­i­ly pho­tos and videos will make won­der­ful me­m­ories and strengthen the bond be­tween us. My ro­man­tic na­ture will fill our lives with some awe­some mo­ments... Are you with me? Do you want to live your life with me?


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