Happy Match

Our Testimonials

Please contact customer support if you would like to leave a testimonial about our services.

Derrick and Anna

I’m a Ukrai­nian girl and one day when I was on­line I saw a very at­trac­tive man. To my sur­prise, when we got in touch with each other we quick­ly found a com­mon lan­guage. I re­alised he was just crazy about me and that I felt the same too. So we de­cid­ed…

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Ville, Finland

How incredible my life is! Six months ago I was devastated after my crazy divorce mission and two months ago I met this blonde miracle Olesya. She is tender, kind and caring and absolutely in love with me. Soon we will meet for the third time and looks like it is moving somewhere…

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Tian and Richard

Richard is from Amer­i­ca but has been teach­ing in Chi­na for six years and so he can speak very good Chi­nese. He likes Chi­na and the cul­ture here. He says the peo­ple are re­al­ly kind and sin­cere.

Tian and Richard got to know each other through the dat­ing site at a par­ty held by the agen­cy. There were lots of other sin­gle men and wo­m­en in­vit­ed to the par­ty…

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Elvira and Mahmoud

Hel­lo! I would like to tell you about my ex­pe­ri­ence us­ing this dat­ing site.

Af­ter a few months of cor­re­spon­dence here on the site gett­ing to know each other on­line, he said he was ready to vis­it me. He asked me if it would be pos­si­ble for us to meet up and spend a week­end to­gether. We planned our first date and I was so hap­py!

Then, in…

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Johnathan, South Africa

How would we ever have met otherwise? It scares me to think that my lovely Ukrainian may have passed me by if I hadn’t browsed the internet that day. If I hadn’t thought to set up an account, post that picture of me swimming in an icy lake, and returned the message from Anastasia. We meet up regularly now and we are talking about moving in together. I would happily move to her, and…

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Richard and Yu Mei

Yu Mei, 46, lives in Foshan, Guang­­dong province and runs her own cloth­ing store. The monotony of her dai­­ly work made her feel very tired but af­ter work she had no one around to be with fol­low­ing her di­vorce four years ago. Her chil­­dren worked in other ci­ties to earn mon­ey and her friends all had their own fam­i­lies to take care of. Look­ing at her friends with their…

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Tim and Gui

Tim is from Amer­i­ca but both his par­ents come from Chi­na. They emi­grat­ed to Amer­i­ca for­ty years ago and ev­ery year they go back to vis­it Chi­na to see their rel­a­tives. Tim is now work­ing for a trad­ing com­pany and he lives and works in both and Chi­na and Amer­i­ca.

Gui orig­i­nal­ly …

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Santiago, Spain

She said yes! My wonderful, gorgeous, beautiful Julia just said yes!! I could never be happier and more thankful to you, my dear staff of BeHappy! The best thing in my life began here two years ago from the simple chat! Thank you!

Derrick and Julia

Ev­ery­one dreams about find­ing love! I am just the same. That’s why I came here and af­ter us­ing this site for a while, I met some­one very spe­cial. First of all I want­ed him to be­come my best friend. I think this is the best way to start any se­ri­ous re­la­tion­ship. I want­ed my man to be not on­ly my lover, but al­so my part­n­er in ev­ery­thing…

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Sam and Rui

Rui is a 36-year-old Chi­nese wo­m­an who is gener­ous, pas­sio­nate and cheer­ful and who loves do­ing house­work. She works as a sales ma­n­ag­er for a public com­pany and ev­ery­one around her prais­es her for her abil­i­ty. But, what she want­ed more than any­thing was to be with some­one she loved and who loved her. She had on­ly ev­er been in love twice and had nev­er mar­ried. Rui felt that…

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