Irina and Greg

Hello to you all! My name is Irina and I was that sort of person who for a long time was “afraid” of online dating. But then I decided that we only live once which means that life should not hold any fears or unnecessary preconceptions. That was the moment when I finally decided to put my profile on this site. 

Soon I met Greg - a man who turned out to be a very kind, caring, attentive and nice person. Greg is a man who appreciates family and wants to create one of his own. Very soon we decided to meet and he came here to Ukraine. I was so excited about his visit and couldn’t wait to meet him! Our meeting was incredibly enjoyable - we spent time talking over a meal in a beautiful restaurant. 

It is a pity, but by the end of his visit, we realized that we would be friends rather than lovers. I am very grateful to Greg for the time we spent together which brought many smiles and was full of laughter. He is an incredible person!

I also want to thank my agency and this site for their professional help in organizing the meeting and for the high quality translation service. Thank you, you give us hope for love! Those who still doubt whether it is worth looking for love online, please do not hesitate. In the long run, the one who does not take risks does not drink champagne!

Life is better with love!

Best wishes to you! Irina

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