Our Happy Matches

Af­ter chatt­ing ev­ery day for 4 months, when Lud­mi­la and Deni fi­nal­ly met, it was al­most as if they were the stars of a ro­man­tic movie and their love sto­ry has cont­in­ued ev­er since.

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Svet­la­na and Zeev are proof that mir­a­cles do hap­pen be­cause they each found their true soul mate on­line. Now they are mar­ried and have wel­comed their son in­to their world too

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As soon as Ali­na and Tamer met on the site, they knew they had found some­one spe­cial and how right they were be­cause now they are hus­band and wife and have giv­en their hearts to each other.

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As soon as Vic­to­ri­a’s pro­file be­came ac­tive, she saw Alexan­der and they be­gan a long-dis­tance ro­mance that last­ed 6 months be­fore end­ing hap­pi­ly in the most won­der­ful week-long date trav­el­ing across Ukraine to­gether.

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Ele­na had not re­al­ized how alone she was un­til she saw all her friends with their part­n­ers but she soon met Chris­tian and in no time at all had flown to meet him for a ro­man­tic week­end to­gether, one that she did not want to end.

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When Vic­to­ria start­ed to browse the site, it was quite late at night so she thought no one else would be on­line but then came a mes­sage from Hein­rich and what a hap­py chance that turned out to be for both of them!

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Af­ter many at­tempts to meet her soul­mate in the re­al world, Tatya­na turned to the In­ter­net for help and soon found Wil­li­am on the other side of the screen and not long af­ter­wards, they met in re­al life for a won­der­ful date!

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Un­til her friend met and mar­ried a man she had found on the in­ter­net, Yu­lia had her doubts about on­line dat­ing but she changed her mind when she be­gan chatt­ing with Rickard and soon he was on his way to see her in Ukraine!

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Svet­la­na and Hans knew there was some­thing spe­cial be­tween them when they spent all night chatt­ing the very first time they met on­line. And they were right be­cause now they are mar­ried and bliss­ful­ly hap­py!

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This is a true whirl­wind ro­mance be­cause just a month af­ter meet­ing on­line, Vla­da and Den­nis met each other in re­al life and knew they had each found some­one spe­cial and can­not wait to meet again as soon as the quar­an­tine and trav­el re­stric­tions have been lift­ed.

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As soon as In­na joined the site, she and Ste­fan no­ticed each other al­most at the same time and it was not long be­fore they de­cid­ed to meet in re­al life and en­joyed a ro­man­tic, fun and rather unu­su­al date!

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When Lera met Fe­lix on their first ac­tu­al date, she com­plete­ly changed her mind about the pos­si­bil­i­ty of a vir­tu­al re­la­tion­ship lead­ing to some­thing tru­ly spe­cial, and now what plans they have to­gether!

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