Our Happy Matches

Have a seat. :) Com­fort­able? Good, let me tell you our sto­ry. I am a girl who wants to give all her af­fec­tion to on­ly one man so one day I de­cid­ed to try to find my love, my destiny, abroad. Why not? And now I wan­t…

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Un­like most mid­dle-aged Chi­nese wo­m­en, Chenchen likes to com­mu­ni­cate on­line and she is very good at it. Since she di­vorced her hus­band, she has lived with her daugh­ter and spends her days cook­ing and chatt­ing…

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This is the sto­ry of a suc­cess­ful, ma­ture man who was at­tract­ed by the love­li­ness and charm of a beau­ti­ful Ar­me­nian wo­m­an. It was the best ex­pe­ri­ence and a won­der­ful and un­for­gettable mo­ment for me when Eni…

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When her daugh­ter per­suad­ed Mei Han to sign up to the web­site, lit­tle did they know that al­most im­me­di­ate­ly Mei Han would meet Green and now they’re hap­pi­ly mar­ried. Her daugh­ter is very pleased too!

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So­hail, a chef liv­ing and work­ing in Swe­den, felt very alone be­cause he nev­er had the time to meet some­one spe­cial. That was un­til he found Lore­na on the web­site and now they are hap­pi­ly mar­ried and very set­tled in Swe­den with her three daugh­ters.

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Read why Iri­na thinks she is one of the lucki­est peo­ple in the world. Not on­ly has Kalev turned out to be her Mr. Right, he is al­so her best friend too, some­one she can al­ways turn to and re­ly on.

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Xue and John loved chatt­ing to each so much through the dat­ing site that when they met, they knew they had each found the love of their life. And now they are mar­ried and have a beau­ti­ful ba­by girl!

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When a lone­ly car­pen­ter in Spain spott­ed his Lati­na beau­ty on the web­site, his dreams of a hap­py re­la­tion­ship fi­nal­ly came true and now Robert and Yece­nia are plan­n­ing a new life to­gether.

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Sa­muel and Xi­u­lan Wang met each other on the web­site. Sa­muel is a pho­to­g­ra­pher and he en­joys trav­el­ing around the world a lot. He said he had seen so much beau­ti­ful scen­ery but noth­ing com­pared with Xi­u­lan. He used to be…

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Hi my name is Bryan and I am from Dal­las in the USA. I met Ma­ri­na on this site. She is a cos­me­tol­o­gist and such an in­ter­est­ing wo­m­an. We have so much in com­mon! We be­gan our com­mu­ni­ca­tion sev­er­al months ago and im­me­di­ate­ly re­al­ized…

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Wil­li­am and Xi­uwen met each other on our we­b­site. Wil­li­am is 50 years old and he owned an Amer­i­can fast food res­tau­rant. His busi­ness was very suc­cess­ful but, af­ter he suf­fered a heart at­tack, he de­cid­ed to re­tire and en­joy the rest of his life. Wil­li­am…

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I would like to share my love sto­ry with you and tell you how I met this won­der­ful man who changed my life dra­mat­i­cal­ly. My love, my life, the mean­ing of my ex­is­tence is my Mike. He is my ev­ery­thing and I am so grate­ful to this site for bring­ing…

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