Nuestros emparejamientos felices

Like many fate­ful meet­ings, my ac­quain­tance with Tom­my be­gan quite by ac­ci­dent. One night when I couldn’t sleep I de­cid­ed to look at the pro­files of men on the site. I was in­vit­ed to chat by a very nice man who in­vit­ed me to cof­fee! That night!..

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This is a sto­ry about true love, un­der­s­tand­ing that no mat­ter how far, dis­tance is not a bar­ri­er for two peo­ple who are in love. This sto­ry be­gan in 2009 when I reg­is­tered with a dat­ing agen­cy. A few months passed and, al­though I met…

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I met Ray, when I didn't ex­pect it hon­est­ly. He an­sw­ered me when I didn't have any hope that we would find so much in com­mon. We have the same sense of hu­mor. I found it one of the most im­por­tant things. When peo­ple are laugh­ing…

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It was so un­ex­pect­ed and won­der­ful for me to meet Bay­on, my Greek man. From the first let­ters I un­der­s­tood that we could have so much in com­mon. Af­ter sev­er­al chats I be­lieved in the pow­er of the In­ter­net. The com­mu­ni­ca­tion was…

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It was the se­cond meet­ing of Nastya and Vic­tor. Vic­tor first came to Mos­cow in sum­mer 2016. Be­fore that the lady and the man had cor­re­spon­dence and were in­ter­est­ed to meet each other. The man and the lady had a meet­ing, that was very suc­cess­ful…

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My sto­ry is very ro­man­tic and sim­i­lar to the plot of a movie! I he­s­i­tat­ed for a long time, re­fused to reg­is­ter on the dat­ing site. I did not be­lieve that it is re­al to find true love on the In­ter­net! But, thanks to the pro­fes­sio­n­al work of the staff of my agen­cy…

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I met Doug when he came to Ukraine last win­ter. We al­most didn't know each other at first. We had a few con­ver­sa­tions, but he stayed in Kiev and of­fered to meet me for a cup of cof­fee. I didn't ex­pect that we would be­come friends…

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We were exchang­ing let­ters for a few months. It was a very in­ter­est­ing ex­pe­ri­ence for me as I had just start­ed to use the site. Ad­di­tio­n­al­ly, I've nev­er met a for­eign­er be­fore. It was so im­pres­sive. I met Robert in Kiev this spring. He lives in…

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A fab­u­lous first date ... We all dream of get­t­ing a lucky tick­­et and win­n­ing big, and meet­ing Henk turned out to be by lucky tick­­et! I met my Henk on the Mar­ri­age we­b­site on the eve of the up­­­com­ing 2017 New Year! I im­me­di­ate­­ly thought that it was…

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The first time I saw Jody in the chat was at the start of the spring. We start­ed to talk and he said that he was in Kiev now. He of­fered to meet me for a cup of cof­fee and I couldn't re­sist, be­cause he was so nice. We walked a lot around Kiev. We even went…

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From the first let­ter I had a good feel­ing about him. To be hon­est, looks were not im­por­tant to me, but he was very at­trac­tive. There were many in­ter­est­ing men, not on­ly him, but I felt his in­n­er en­er­gy. For me, meet­ing in per­son is very im­por­tant…

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"Here's the thing about love: it's hard to put in­to words.” But I will try to de­scribe how hap­py I am now. When I saw Clint’s pro­file for the first time, some­thing jumped in my heart right away and I felt that he was not just one of the many. But I de­cid­ed…

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