Anna from Poltava, Ukraine

This week is glad to introduce a gorgeous woman Anna from Poltava, Ukraine. Anna is sociable and active person who likes reading books and learning foreign languages. She hopes to meet a man who wants to create a good loving family based on respect and mutual understanding. Would you like to know more about her? Read Anna’s story and enjoy her marvelous photos.


My name is An­na. You will find me ro­man­tic, ac­tive, cre­a­tive, pas­sio­nate and easy to be with. I love life in all its forms and I like to take life  easy. I have a lot of in­ter­ests and some very in­ter­est­ing hob­bies. One of the fa­vorite ac­tiv­i­ties that I have a lot of fun do­ing is a new work­out that com­bines pole danc­ing and bal­let. Bal­let is more than just phys­i­cal ex­er­tion, it's the to­tal pro­cess of ex­press­ing your­self through cre­a­tive move­ment and I love it! It is quite a dif­fi­cult type of danc­ing but it gives me a lot of skills and helps me to be­come stronger.

This hob­by im­proves my strength and flex­i­bil­i­ty which is why I have healthi­er mus­cles and joints. 

I nev­er dance in the same style but I like to mix ev­ery­thing up in­stead. I know many types of danc­ing, but pole danc­ing is my fa­vorite. 

I en­joy be­ing ac­tive, stay­ing fit, feel­ing well, and just be­ing healthy which is why danc­ing will al­ways re­main a part of my life. 

With love,

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