Snezhana from Krakow, Poland

This week is glad to introduce an elegant woman Snezhana from Krakow, Poland. Snezhana is a kind, tender, honest, loving, and positive person who is passionate about fashion and photoshoots. She is looking for a supportive man who will love her unconditionally. Would you like to know more about her? Read Snezhana’s story and enjoy her striking photos.


I’m Snezha­na and I’ve al­ways loved ex­plor­ing new places and this has be­come my pas­sion. I’ve been to more than ten coun­tries and each of them was unique and inim­itable. Eu­rope be­came my fa­vorite place for trav­el­ing so this helped me to de­cide on a coun­try for life and I moved to Po­land from Ukraine.

Be­fore this, my first desti­na­tion in Eu­rope was Paris and I was amazed by the beau­ty of this ci­ty. Then I visit­ed Rome, Barcelo­na, Am­s­ter­dam, and many other ci­ties and each was unique and un­for­gettable.

In each of the coun­tries I vis­it, I find some­thing spe­cial that makes me fall in love with the area. I love his­tor­i­cal build­ings, beau­ti­ful na­ture, and lo­cal cui­sine. I love walk­ing nar­row streets, look­ing for hid­den beau­ties, and en­joy­ing the at­mo­sphere of the place.

My fa­vorite thing about Eu­rope is the op­por­tu­ni­ty to trav­el by train.

I love to sit in the car­ri­age and watch the beau­ti­ful land­s­cape through the win­dow. It's such a ro­man­tic and peace­ful way to trav­el.

Eu­rope is the place where I’ll al­ways re­turn. I’ll cont­in­ue ex­plor­ing this conti­nent and find­ing new places that will make me fall even more in love with this world.


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