Viktoria from Cherkasy, Ukraine

This week is glad to introduce a gorgeous lady Viktoria from Kiev, Ukraine. Viktoria is a lovely lady who likes cooking, dancing and reading books. She is looking for an open-minded, purposeful, kind and attentive man. Would you like to know more about her? Read Viktoria’s story and enjoy her wonderful photos.

Hel­lo my fu­ture beloved!

I be­lieve in a hap­py fu­ture with you) My dream? To meet some­one who I can call “My Swan”. Are you sur­prised at that name?

Well, I’ll ex­plain - when I think about my fu­ture, I can see my fam­i­ly be­ing as strong as a fam­i­ly of swans. Did you know that a swan has on­ly one love for its whole life?

Yes, they are very faith­ful and take care of each other for their en­tire life­time to­gether.

So, in Ukraine, true and de­vot­ed love is called “Swan’s Love”. Maybe, one day you’ll call me that name?

Per­haps it may sound fool­ish, but I tru­ly be­lieve that there is some­one here… the one who will make my heart beat faster. I know we can build a life full of love. I want my words to touch your heart and soul) Have I at­tract­ed your at­ten­tion? Have a nice day and make the right de­ci­sion)

With warmth and sin­cer­i­ty in my heart,

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