Inna from Zaporozhye, Ukraine

This week is glad to introduce a stunning lady Inna from Zaporozhye, Ukraine. Inna is a cheerful and optimistic lady who likes watching movies, dancing and cooking. She is looking for a man who will complete her and make her happy. Would you like to know more about her? Read Inna's story and enjoy her amazing photos.

Hi dar­ling!

Do you re­mem­ber when you got your first job? For me, this was when I was 14. It was a pro­ject for schoolchil­dren to work on – “De­tach­ment of may­or of Za­porozhye”. I was the team lead­er and I had chil­dren un­der my su­per­vi­sion. I re­mem­ber how proud my dad was of me and he told all his friends that I had tak­en the job my­self, no one had forced me to. I just want­ed to have some pock­et mon­ey.

At 15, I worked in public ca­ter­ing so af­ter school I would run to the can­teen where I worked un­til clos­ing time, then I did my home­work lat­er in the even­ing and slept like a log! When I was 18, I got my first full-time job in a beau­ty sa­lon as a make-up artist!

I don’t think it’s good for a child to look for work as a tee­nag­er. I just had a few problems in my fam­i­ly when I was 14 so I had to grow up. But on the other hand – isn’t this an in­di­ca­tion that any­thing is pos­si­ble? Af­ter all, if you have a goal, work to­wards it. If you can’t walk, crawl. If you can­not crawl, lie down and look to­wards the tar­get. Even if you’re 14.

Do you re­mem­ber how you earned your first mon­ey? I'm ea­ger to know your sto­ry!


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