Aleksandra from Kiev, Ukraine

This week is glad to introduce a charming lady Aleksandra from Kiev, Ukraine. Aleksandra is a soft and light lady who has a good heart and an open soul. She is looking for a friendly, sincere and honest man. Would you like to know more about her? Read Aleksandra’s story and enjoy her wonderful photos.

Hi dear!

How pleas­ant is it to get out of the ci­ty! To be amongst na­ture or in the coun­try­side. Do you agree with me?) To be away from the bus­tle of the world, to be alone with your thoughts, de­sires, to be alone with your­self ... Isn't that won­der­ful? Na­ture, sereni­ty and flight of thought ... so of­ten this is not pos­si­ble when you live in a ci­ty ... Do you agree with me?

What do you like to think about when you are alone with your­self? I think about the beau­ty of this world, about hu­man re­la­tion­ships, about hu­man ac­tions in the name of love ... Af­ter all, they are the most sin­cere, the stupi­dest and the most dar­ing! Do you agree with me? Tell me, are you a child of ur­ban life or na­ture’s off­spring??

With love,

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