Yana from Poltava, Ukraine

This week BeHappy2Day.com is glad to introduce a stunning woman Yana from Poltava, Ukraine. Yana is a gentle, romantic, cheerful, and sympathetic person who believes in love at first sight. She loves hiking, walking, reading, and cooking. Yana’s looking for a supportive, loving, and respectful man who knows what he wants from life. Would you like to know more about her? Read Yana’s story and enjoy her fantastic photos.


My name is Ya­na and I’m a cos­me­tol­o­gist. Ev­er since I was a child, I dreamed of hav­ing a white coat and giv­ing peo­ple in­jec­tions. My mother said that I would grow up to be a doc­tor and I have be­come a sort of doc­tor.

This job is the love of my life, it's what I have strived for.

I read a lot of lit­er­a­ture and wor­ried about learn­ing ev­ery­thing and not miss­ing any­thing.

I still don't stop, I am con­s­tant­ly de­vel­op­ing and learn­ing new things. It's one of my hob­bies that has turned in­to a job. All my friends are afraid to have any­thing done to their faces un­til they hear my re­c­om­men­da­tions. Healthy fa­cial skin - aes­thet­ic beau­ty - isn't that the great­est plea­sure for a girl?

Of course, I have many other in­ter­ests – I love sports and they are an in­te­gral part of me.

My char­ac­ter al­lows me to achieve great suc­cess in ev­ery­thing I do. When I do sports, go to work, read in­ter­est­ing books with a cup of de­li­cious cof­fee, they all re­al­ly lift my spir­its. I have learned to live in har­mony with my­self which I’m very hap­py about!

My de­ter­mi­na­tion, as­ser­tive­ness and un­wa­ver­ing thirst is to en­joy life no mat­ter what!

With love,

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