You live only for once, but if you do it in the right way, once is enough

Tatiana from Zaporozhye, Ukraine

This week we happily introduce you a pretty young lady Tatiana from Zaporozhye, Ukraine. Kind, open and optimistic – this all is about her! Tatiana’s biggest desire is to be happy and share her happiness with her perfect man. Her heart is ready for love! Would you love to know more? Read Tatiana’s message and enjoy viewing her nice photos.

Hi Dear!

It is sum­mer now, and this is the sea­son of hap­pi­ness, high hopes, new meet­ings and amaz­ing emo­tions! I feel like the new year of my life that can ap­proach any time! Ladies are said to dis­like gett­ing old­er and hav­ing the age stat­ed in pass­ports changed, but per­so­n­al­ly I treat it in a dif­fer­ent way. I am an op­ti­mist by na­ture and I al­ways try to find bright side of things.

So I'm sitt­ing here in the rays of sun and an­a­lyz­ing another year of my life. It has been a great one, per­haps the best of the past ones, it flew at fu­ri­ous speed, but it brought me on­ly good, bright and im­por­tant things. It's a new chapter in the book of my life in which some­one left, some­one came in, yet it is not some­thing that mat­ters.

The most es­sen­tial change is that I be­came dif­fer­ent, I re­mem­bered re­al my­self, I re­mem­bered what it means to be­lieve again and feel all the charm of those feel­ings and ex­pe­ri­ences that, as I thought, would nev­er touch my soul.

I made many dis­cov­eries! In my age, it is ne­ces­sary and good to be­lieve, as it is not so dif­fi­cult and scary, since there are no rose-col­ored glass­es that ide­al­ize and adorn the world. If former­ly close peo­ple don’t dis­ap­pear from our lives for­ev­er, they be­come just fa­miliar to us, and can no longer in­flu­ence us. And yet, it's true that pink glass­es beat glass­es in­wards, but more im­por­tant­ly, when the scars heal, it be­comes im­pos­si­ble to put on others – nei­ther pink nor blue!

And we fi­nal­ly be­gin to see the world and peo­ple with­out ex­ag­ger­a­tion and em­bel­lish­ment.

Life is an amaz­ing thing that can bring such sur­pris­es, which we did not dream about but the ones we defi­nite­ly de­served. Why? I think be­cause we didn’t sur­ren­der and didn’t ac­cept, did not be­come sim­i­lar to ev­ery­one else, and re­mained true to their views and con­vic­tions.

Thanks for this time of my life, for the warm morn­ings and cozy even­ings, for per­fect mo­ments and fan­tas­tic ex­pe­ri­ences, for faith­ful friends and new peo­ple!

What do I dream of? Ev­ery­thing is sim­ple. I want to make a step clos­er to be­com­ing a hap­py lady who loves and is loved. Mu­tu­al love is some­thing I am dream­ing about! Life is not pos­si­ble with­out love.

I be­lieve that the destiny will bring big hap­pi­ness, I can feel it! So will you be the rea­son of my hap­pi­ness? And the best pre­sent in my life? ; )


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