I want real love and relationships ...

Svetlana from Zaporozhye, Ukraine

This week BeHappy2Day.com is glad to introduce a beautiful lady Svetlana from Zaporozhye, Ukraine. Svetlana is a calm and down-to-earth lady who likes camping and karaoke. She is looking for a man who will be beautiful inside, with a good soul and kind heart. Would you like to know more about her? Read Svetlana’s story and enjoy her magnificent photos.

Hi dar­ling!

Have you ev­er heard of vi­sion boards? They can be made of card­board or What­man pa­per and you post pho­tos, pic­tures and de­scrip­tions of your de­sires on them. Psy­chol­o­gists have proved that peo­ple who draw their goals on pa­per al­most al­ways ful­fill them. So, a vi­sion board helps to re­mem­ber your goals, to vi­su­al­ize your own de­sires and to di­rect your per­so­n­al en­er­gy in the best way.

Be­ing a cre­a­tive per­son, I en­joy draw­ing. I would like to draw a vi­sion board with the por­trait of the man who I dream of com­ing in­to my life! I would like to em­pha­size that I am not look­ing for “a per­fect man” be­cause such men don’t ex­ist. It will be the por­trait of a per­son who is my per­fect match.

I want my fu­ture lov­ing, kind and re­spon­si­ble sweet­heart to be able to sup­port me and ac­cept me for the way I am. The main thing for me is to find a man who is beau­ti­ful in­side, with a good soul and a kind heart.

If a per­son re­al­ly sin­cere­ly wants some­thing, such de­sires then must sure­ly come true. I am sure that my vi­sion board will help me to meet my life part­n­er. Could that be you?

Sin­cere­ly, Sve­ta

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