Kristina de Kiev, Ukraine

This week is glad to introduce a stunning lady Kristina from Kiev, Ukraine. Kristina is a purposeful and positive lady who likes fitness, traveling and reading books. She is looking for her perfect man to create a strong family and enjoy life together. Would you like to know more about her? Read Kristina’s story and enjoy her magnificent photos.

Hel­lo dear,

My cher­ished dream is to find my one and on­ly unique man who’ll be­come my hus­band once and for all! I’m look­ing and be­lieve that I’ll find a man who will be­come not just my hus­band, but a friend and a part­n­er for life. I want us to en­joy each other's com­pany. I dream we’ll be able to dis­cuss any top­ic to­gether. I do want my man to have the abil­i­ty to calm­ly dis­cuss things and reach com­pro­mis­es with me if we ev­er have any sort of con­flict. I’m con­vinced that mu­tu­al re­spect and sup­port of each other will make our re­la­tion­ship strong and long-last­ing.

I want to en­joy do­ing ac­tiv­i­ties to­gether, such as cook­ing, cy­cling or danc­ing... I like to be out­side in na­ture. More­over I would like to trav­el more. But both would be much more en­joy­able if I had a man that I love by my side!!! You may think she's too per­fect but I have many dif­fer­ent sides to my char­ac­ter… ha ha) So, you won’t be bored)

I do be­lieve I have ma­n­aged to reach in­to your soul and wo­ken up the de­sire to con­tact me and…. : ) I'm wait­ing for you here)))


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