I am open to love and serious relations... Do you want to be my beloved?

Maria from Kharkov, Ukraine

This week BeHappy2Day.com is glad to introduce a beautiful lady Maria from Kharkov, Ukraine. Maria is a very active lady, who likes cooking. Interested? Read Maria’s story and enjoy her gorgeous photos.

Hi my Dear,

It is al­ways dif­fi­cult to de­scribe your­self, your life and your in­ter­ests. I am an open and car­ing lady and ev­ery­thing I do is from the heart. I love an­i­mals and help out at shel­ters for home­less cats and dogs.

I like to dance which I have been do­ing for the last three years. Danc­ing has be­come my pas­sion.

I like to col­lect pic­tures by mod­ern artists and paint­ing is al­so a hob­by of mine. My weak­ness is mod­ern art in gen­er­al.

I like vis­it­ing ex­hi­bi­tions and gal­leries and see­ing work by mod­ern pho­to­g­ra­phers.

My dream is to try box­ing and parachut­ing. Do you like ex­treme sports like this? I am not an ex­treme lady but some­times I re­al­ly do want to try some­thing new! We could share each other’s in­ter­ests and sup­port each other in ev­ery new thing we try to­gether. It would give me great plea­sure to share my man’s in­ter­ests.


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