Anastasia from Kiev, Ukraine

This week is glad to introduce a dazzling lady Anastasia from Kiev, Ukraine. Anastasia is a sincere and romantic lady who likes sport, going shopping, and spending time with her friends. She is looking for a serious relationship and wants to become a beloved lady to her man, who will never let her go. Would you like to know more about her? Read Anastasia’s story and enjoy her amazing photos.

Hel­lo dar­ling!

Do you know that when we plan or en­vi­sion our fu­ture, it'll come true. I of­ten close my eyes and in my imag­i­na­tion draw my soul mate - strong, de­cent, kind and gener­ous.

He takes my hand and tells me “Be mine for­ev­er!” I fol­low him and my heart melts...

I be­lieve him be­cause I know that he will nev­er be like other men. He will be my soul mate!!! I know he is smart and wise, trust­wor­thy and loy­al, calm and hon­est. He loves kids and wants to have a fam­i­ly. I'd like us to have com­mon in­ter­ests es­pe­cial­ly to trav­el to­gether a lot.

As you can see, I'm a ro­man­tic and pos­i­tive girl. I feel I'm ready to cre­ate our unique world with my lov­ing man, to give him my care and at­ten­tion. I will fol­low him ev­ery­where.

We’ll be ready to over­come life’s ob­s­ta­cles and problems to­gether, sup­port­ing each other. Life is much bet­ter when we are in love)


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