Valentina from Kiev, Ukraine

This week is glad to introduce an incredible young lady Valentina from Kharkov, Ukraine. Valentina is a very determined and creative person, who loves photography and designing fur clothing. Would you love to know more? Read Valentina’s story and enjoy viewing her wonderful photos.

Hi my Dar­ling,

My name is Va­lenti­na.

I am a con­fi­dent lady and know ex­act­ly what I want from life. I have had good as well as bad ex­pe­ri­ences in re­la­tion­ships, like most peo­ple do but I al­so still be­lieve in love, destiny and chem­istry be­tween peo­ple.

I have lots of dif­fer­ent in­ter­ests. To name just two, I en­joy de­sign­ing fur cloth­ing and pho­tog­ra­phy. I like to catch spe­cial mo­ments, the tem­po of the ci­ty, peo­ple’s moods and the na­t­u­ral world. I love na­ture and an­i­mals.

I am al­so fond of walk­ing around the ci­ty at night, vis­it­ing parks, gal­leries and ex­hi­bi­tions and go­ing to the cin­e­ma.

I am just in love with life and I en­joy it so much. I have a great soul and a kind heart.

My dream is to have a big house, my beloved man next to me and that we share com­mon goals. I am sure that we will all be hap­py one day!


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