Valeria aus Mariupol, Ukraine

This week is glad to introduce a beautiful lady Valeria from Mariupol, Ukraine. Valeria is a humorous, romantic, and passionate lady, who loves outdoor activities! Want to find out more? Read Valeria’s story and enjoy her amazing photos.

Hi my Dear,

My life is an end­less chain of events that fas­ci­nate me and nev­er al­low me to be­come bored. I catch a wave and try to keep on the crest of it no mat­ter what. I can be dif­fer­ent: ten­der and pas­sio­nate, af­fec­tio­nate and play­ful. I have a very ver­satile per­so­n­al­i­ty.

I have a wide range of ta­l­ents. I cap­ture the mo­ments of other peo­ple's lives by tak­ing pho­tos. I be­lieve that the col­ors of life should be cap­tured un­til they fade away. Do you agree?

My life is col­or­ful and swift. I’m in a hur­ry to live.

I re­al­ly hope my man is still wait­ing for me out there some­where. I keep search­ing for hap­pi­ness. Maybe it is you? I can fill your life up with the col­ors of sum­mer, where ev­ery day is sun­ny and full of events. Would you like that? If so, just let me know.


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