Olga de Kiev, Ukraine

This week BeHappy2Day.com is glad to introduce a charming lady Olga from Kiev, Ukraine. Olga is an active, fun, and cheerful lady who enjoys being outdoors, likes skiing, and creating coziness at home. She is looking for a cheerful, loving, and kind man. Would you like to know more about her? Read Olga’s story and enjoy her beautiful photos.


My name is Ol­ga,

In this let­ter, I want to share my thoughts with you). To­day is a day off for me so I or­ganized a small pic­nic for my­self out­doors with na­ture). I am re­laxed and I have a de­sire to phi­lo­so­phize a lit­tle). I want you to un­der­s­tand me even more, rec­og­nize my in­n­er be­ing!)

I con­sid­er my­self to be a pos­i­tive lady! I like it when I look in the mir­ror and see a smile on my face! I like it when peo­ple smile back at me! I think that in life you al­ways need to be an op­ti­mist! And what do you think?

I do be­lieve that fate is not a mat­ter of chance, but a re­sult of choice. Fate is not ex­pect­ed, it is cre­at­ed. I am firm­ly con­vinced that an op­ti­mist is a per­son who, un­like a pes­simist, sees op­por­tu­ni­ties for over­com­ing ev­ery dif­fi­cul­ty in life, sees the best in ev­ery­thing. Even when life does not give me rea­sons to be­lieve in the best, when I am sick or I am haunt­ed by fail­ure, I cont­in­ue to use ev­ery op­por­tu­ni­ty to over­come the "black streak".

I have re­al­ized one im­por­tant thing: all trou­bles should be met with a smile, they are afraid of that and do not like it very much. The dif­fer­ence be­tween me and a pes­simist is that if my cup of cof­fee is half emp­ty, I know I can al­ways make my­self or or­der another one.

I am very grate­ful for my wise par­ents for this at­ti­tude, from child­hood they taught me nev­er to say (and not even think) "I can­not do this." I was told to say this: "I still can­not do this, but I will defi­nite­ly learn, be­cause I can do any­thing".

This is prob­a­b­ly why life al­ways looks on the bright side to me, so I love peo­ple, I can for­get evil and re­joice in good.

I hope that my phi­lo­so­phy of life is close to yours! I re­al­ly hope you will let me know your thoughts! It is very in­ter­est­ing to un­der­s­tand, to get to know another per­son bet­ter! I would be pleased to talk to you! I hope to meet at an im­promp­tu pic­nic in the form of a ro­man­tic date!

With love,

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