Happy Match

Our Testimonials

Please contact customer support if you would like to leave a testimonial about our services.

Derrick and Darya

I came to this site to find the man of my dreams who might be­come my fu­ture hus­band. I met Der­rick, who is 62 years and lives in the USA where he is a pro­fes­sor at an in­sti­tute. We start­ed chatt­ing and, af­ter just 30 min­utes, we re­al­ized that we were in­ter­est­ed in each other and that we want­ed to meet in re­al life.

Der­rick said he could come to me in Kharkov but I did not re­al­ly be­lieve that he was ready to do that. I nev­er be­lieve just in words, ac­tions mean much more to me. So we cor­re­spond­ed by let­ter and we learned to get to know each other bet­ter. Then the day came when he flew to the Ukraine. I was glad and sur­prised that I was fi­nal­ly meet­ing the man who had kept his promise and come to vis­it me…

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Sven, New Zealand

I’m not sure if you guys know how great this site is, but it has been a godsend for me. I have terrible anxiety and so bars and other dating places are absolutely useless to me. I sit there nursing a drink and feeling terrible about myself. But this website is so easy. The ladies are always supportive and respectful. I never thought there would be a way around my problem, but…

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Pavan and Elena

The sto­ry of Ele­na from Rus­sia and Pa­van from In­dia be­gan in March 2016 when Pa­van found Ele­na on the dat­ing site. Al­though they exchanged sev­er­al let­ters, Pa­van was busy trav­elling with work so they stopped com­mu­ni­cat­ing for a while be­cause, with­out the chance of ac­tu­al­ly meet­ing, writ­ing let­ters didn’t make much sense to them.

This year, Pa­van de­cid­ed he would go to Rus­sia for the foot­ball World Cup and re­mem­bered the beau­ti­ful blond girl he had talked with two years ear­li­er. He had nev­er for­got­ten about her but had al­ways wor­ried she might re­ject him. It was on­ly when he had his Rus­sian visa and plane tick­ets to Mos­cow that he dared to write to Ele­na again…

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Klaus, Finland

There is no way for me to express my joy! My feelings to Ludmila are getting stronger day by day and I can’t wait for her to become my wife. Only four months have passed since we met online and now we are busy preparing all the documents for marriage. You, guys, are really great, thanks! 

Nicolas and Karina

Nicolas and KarinaHel­lo ev­ery­one,

I am Ni­cho­las and I would like to share my sto­ry with you about how I met my love­ly wife, Ka­ri­na.

I re­mem­ber the day when I saw her pho­to on the site. It was a love­ly pho­to and stood out for me im­me­di­ate­ly be­cause of her blonde hair which I liked a lot. At that mo­ment I told my­self, I want to talk to her and get to know her

Of course it took time while we wrote let­ters and tried to get to know each other. I loved that pe­ri­od in our re­la­tion­ship, each let­ter con­tained a lot of love and I felt that love, that pos­i­tiv­i­ty that came from her let­ters…

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David and Alena

I re­spect all men and I can't imagine my life with­out love. That is why I came here, to this site. On th­ese pages I met some­one spe­cial. His name is David. We spent a lot of time on-line, talk­ing about our dreams and mak­ing plans for our fu­ture to­gether. I think we need­ed each other – this wo­m­an and this man were made for each other. Ev­ery­one…

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Gabriel, France

All my life I’ve struggled to find my special one. Well, you know it is really not that easy and things can be even harder if you’re a busy businessman. I set my hopes on online dating and chose BeHappy2Day. It was a big win for me! I found love and friendship… and both in the same person! Thanks. 

Adriano and Alina

I have to tell you that go­ing on a dat­ing site was some­thing re­al­ly new to me.

I could nev­er imagine that one day I would meet some­one like Adriano. I had lost hope and did not ex­pect that join­ing the site would bring a re­sult. I have to say that we cor­re­spond­ed for some time, chatt­ed, sent each other pho­tos, songs, our fa­vorite videos…

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Vasil and Evgenia

I want to tell you about my meeting with Vasil from Burgas in Bulgaria. We started to communicate on the site and from the very first letters we knew that we had so much in common. We talked about so many things!

I never thought that we would actually meet each other… but the moment did come.

I want to mention how much the site and our…

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Werner, Norway

Hi, guys! Do you know how great your site is? It took me only 8 months to go from a lonely bachelor to a happy husband! Me and my wife Olga will always remember you, guys. Thanks a lot!

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