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Nos témoignages

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Waine and Alexandra

Alexan­dra and Waine built their re­la­tion­ship brick by brick - first with let­ters and chats on the dat­ing site and then dur­ing cor­re­spon­dence through pri­vate let­ters.

Alexan­dra's op­ti­mism and sin­cer­i­ty and the open­ness of Waine show that this cou­ple are com­mitt­ed to their hap­pi­ness to­gether. Lan­guage was the first bar­ri­er to over­come so Alexan­dra at­tend­ed En­glish lan­guage class­es in Odes­sa with such suc­cess that they did not re­quire the as­sis­tance…

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Jan, Germany

In my opinion, this service is the perfect opportunity to meet new people. Thanks to you I overcame my shyness and started communicating with several stunning ladies from different countries. Strongly recommended!  

Edward and Christina

Ed­ward and Christi­na Li met each other on our web­site and when they first met face to face, it was at the air­port when Christi­na took her daugh­ter to meet Ed­ward too. They had such a won­der­ful time to­gether and now they’re plan­n­ing their wed­d­ing.

Ed­ward has al­ways been in­ter­est­ed in Chi­nese cul­ture and was re­al­ly keen to learn Chi­nese but he nev­er thought that he could meet such a beau­ti­ful Chi­nese lady on­line.…

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Roy and Patricia

Roy wants to say a big thank you to our agen­cy be­cause now he has found his soul­mate.

He says:

“I worked very hard, that’s why I felt lone­ly. I had al­ways looked for a Latin wo­m­an and I pre­ferred Colom­bian ladies be­cause my friend and neigh­bor has a won­der­ful Colom­bian wife. He has made a love­ly fam­i­ly with her and their chil­dren. I re­al­ly want­ed the same type…

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David and Xiao

Af­ter study­ing En­glish at uni­ver­si­ty for four years, Xiao works as an En­glish teach­er in Chi­na. Na­t­u­ral­ly, she very much un­der­s­tands and en­joys west­ern cul­ture too.

David works as a sales­per­son for a large com­pany and of­ten trav­els to Chi­na for busi­ness.

They met each other in re­al life thanks to our web­site and be­cause they could both speak En­glish they com­mu­ni­cat­ed with each other with­out any problems at…

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Vearl and Svetlana

From the US to Ukraine: chem­istry at first sight…

Vearl and Svet­la­na had been cor­re­spond­ing by let­ter for a long time and, day by day, the con­tent of their let­ters be­came more and more in­ti­mate. Vearl comes from the USA, a huge coun­try where there are many skies of dif­fer­ent col­ors with dif­fer­ent pos­si­bil­i­ties. Svet­la­na comes from Ukraine, a coun­try with a chang­ing sky­line and an amaz­ing his­to­ry. Any­way,…

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James, the USA

So, I am shy. I am huge, I love the outdoors, and I could probably knock down a tree with my shoulder. But, I am shy and get stupid around women. I know that I want to travel, and I want to see the world. I thought, hey, I need someone from another part of the world to take me by the hand and drag me to places that will amaze me.…

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Harold and Wendy Wang

Look­ing at this pic­ture, we can see how hap­py Har­ry and Wendy are to­gether.

Harold and Wendy Wang have come a long way since they first met. Harold is 62 years old and a re­tired col­lege pro­fes­sor. He had de­vot­ed his life to teach­ing and so left him­self ba­si­cal­ly no time for so­cial­iz­ing with other peo­ple. He told us that he was no good at all at mak­ing con­ver­sa­tion de­spite be­ing a pro­fes­sor but when he be­gan writ­ing to Wendy he gra­d­u­al­ly be­come more out­go­ing and dif­fer­ent some­how.

Wendy ex­plained to Harold that, since she had di­vorced her hus­band, she had brought up their child as a sin­gle par­ent which was ex­treme­ly ex­haust­ing…

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David and Anna

I met David on the first day that I vis­it­ed the dat­ing site. We had long chats through the night un­til the morn­ing and be­­gan to get to know each other bet­ter and bet­ter. Af­ter six weeks we de­­cid­ed to meet each other in re­al life so David came to Kiev the fol­low­ing month.

David looked just like his pho­­to – al­ways smil­ing and jok­ing all the time…

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Peter, Austria

It was always my dream to meet and date a Ukrainian woman. Thanks to your website this dream comes true! I think I met my beloved one and I’m ready to propose to her! Wish me luck!

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