Nos matchs heureux

Au fil des années de succès de notre entreprise, nous avons littéralement mis en contact des milliers de célibataires. Pendant ce temps, des centaines d'entre eux ont pu trouver l'amour et l'âme sœur qu'elles méritaient. Nous sommes heureux et fiers de vous montrer quelques-uns de ces nombreux couples heureux qui ont accepté de nous laisser publier leurs histoires d'amour sur cette page, et de partager leurs photos personnelles avec vous.

Anas­ta­sia joined a dat­ing site, hop­ing to find love. Lit­tle did she know that Lu­cas from Po­land would be­come her true love. De­spite lan­guage bar­ri­ers, they now hap­pi­ly live to­gether in War­saw.

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When Svet­la­na de­cid­ed to give on­line dat­ing a chance, she nev­er imagined it would lead her to Ra­fael. Now, liv­ing in Is­rael with their beloved cat Lucky, they're proof that some­times, the great­est love sto­ries be­gin on­line.

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Ju­lia found more than she hoped for on this site. Sur­prised by the many in­ter­est­ing men, one cap­tured her heart - Ahmed from Ger­many. Their in­s­tant con­nec­tion and meet­ings in Ber­lin con­firmed their at­trac­tion, filling Ju­lia's lone­ly heart with joy.

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Eu­geniya and Ma­teusz met on­line. Their days start­ed with sweet mes­sages, dream­ing of re­al-life hugs. Af­ter lots of talks, the ner­vous first meet­ing hap­pened. Now, as a fam­i­ly with a lit­tle son, ev­ery day is hap­pi­ly ev­er af­ter.

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When Ta­tia­na's friend signed her up to this site, she treat­ed it as a bit of a joke but then she met Zdenek and be­fore she knew it, they were on a re­al date in Pra­ha and their ro­mance blos­somed.

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What bet­ter gift could there ev­er be at Christ­mas than to be­come en­gaged to the true love you found on­line and know that the New year will bring even more hap­pi­ness.

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When Ale­na joined this web­site, she was just look­ing to kill time and chat to a few men but then she met Mark on­line and now their hearts and lives will be in­ter­twined for­ev­er.

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Va­lenti­na knows she is lucky to have found ex­act­ly the kind of man she had dreamed of and al­so lucky that she al­ways be­lieved that true love could be found. Within just a few hours of their first date, she knew that her love sto­ry with Pierre had be­gun.

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Kary­na is so hap­py she de­cid­ed to reg­is­ter on the site be­cause that’s how she met David, the love of her life and some­one who tru­ly un­der­s­tands her. She re­al­ly does be­lieve that the site is like Cu­pid and can con­nect the hearts of those look­ing for love.

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Ta­tia­na and Pierre had on­ly been com­mu­ni­cat­ing for two days be­fore he in­vit­ed her to Mi­lan and what hap­pened next was tru­ly mag­i­cal – the most in­cred­i­ble date that Ta­tia­na has ev­er been on with the best man she has ev­er met!

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Even though Svet­la­na is new to the site and not sure what to ex­pect, she is so pleased that she agreed to go on a date with Ed­gar be­cause they had the most won­der­ful even­ing to­gether and now she feels re­al hope for the fu­ture.

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Maria doubt­ed that she would find her true love in the vir­tu­al word un­til she met Ike­li, her per­fect match. Now she hopes ev­ery­one will cont­in­ue to search for their own Mr. Right and nev­er lose hope.

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