Onze Happy Matches

Over de jaren van het succes van ons bedrijf hebben we letterlijk duizenden alleenstaanden met elkaar in contact gebracht. Gedurende die tijd zijn honderden van hen in staat geweest om liefde te vinden en de zo belangrijke zielsverwant. We zijn blij en trots om u een paar van die vele gelukkige matches te laten zien, die ermee hebben ingestemd dat wij hun liefdesverhalen op deze pagina mogen plaatsen en hun persoonlijke foto's met u willen delen.

Ma­ri­na joined the site hop­ing for con­nec­tion and found it with Kel­ly. A sim­ple mes­sage led to a joy­ful first date filled with great con­ver­sa­tions. Now, she’s excit­ed for what’s to come.

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Daria joined the site and con­nect­ed with Kalev, who in­vit­ed her on a ro­man­tic bike ride. Their date in­clud­ed a love­ly walk af­ter din­n­er and left her in­spired by the ex­pe­ri­ence.

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An­na was ready to find some­one spe­cial, so she tried on­line dat­ing. Af­ter meet­ing Jo­nathan, they had their first date in New York, and now she feels he could be the man she’s been search­ing for.

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Ju­lia nev­er gave up on love and fi­nal­ly met Karol who proved that re­al feel­ings have no bar­ri­ers. Their con­nec­tion grew stronger af­ter meet­ing, show­ing that mir­a­cles hap­pen when you don’t lose hope.

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Ya­na met Jim on­line and, af­ter a few meet­ings, re­al­ized he was the one. This sum­mer, he pro­posed, and now she’s on cloud nine, excit­ed about their fu­ture in Aus­tralia.

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Ale­na met Alexan­dar on a dat­ing site, and their in­s­tant con­nec­tion quick­ly turned in­to a ro­mance. This sum­mer has been mag­i­cal for her, show­ing that love of­ten ar­rives un­ex­pect­ed­ly.

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Af­ter a long search, Tatya­na matched with Alfi­no. Their shared in­ter­ests led to three months of on­line dat­ing, and now she dreams of re­lo­cat­ing to be with him, feel­ing hap­pi­er than ev­er.

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Kse­nia met David on the site and shared a me­m­orable even­ing in Kyiv. De­spite the war, his brav­ery and warm heart made it an un­for­gettable ex­pe­ri­ence.

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An­ge­li­ka found love on­line with Has­san from the UAE. De­spite her ini­tial fears, she took a chance and trav­eled to meet him. Their time to­gether was mag­i­cal, and now she's dee­p­ly in love.

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Yuliya's life changed when she met Va­syl on­line. Af­ter chatt­ing and meet­ing in Ukraine, they now live to­gether in Chan­dler, Ari­zo­na, turn­ing her dreams in­to re­al­i­ty.

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Anas­ta­sia found love on­line with Ra­fal from Po­land. De­spite ups and downs, they met, spent a per­fect month to­gether, and now plan to mar­ry next sum­mer. Their sto­ry shows that love knows no boun­daries.

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An­na found Cleve's pro­file, charmed by his smile. Af­ter months of talk­ing, their friend­ship deep­ened, lead­ing to a first date in Kiev. Now, they're excit­ed to see where life takes them, filled with hap­pi­ness and an­ti­ci­pa­tion.

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