Unsere Glücklichen Paare

Cle­ment had been on the site for two years be­fore he saw San­dra’s beau­ti­ful pho­tos and they be­gan to chat. Now, three years lat­er, they are mar­ried with a beau­ti­ful ba­by daugh­ter. He can’t be­lieve how things have turned out and how lucky in love he has been.


Af­ter they had met on­line, when Va­leriya called An­to­nio just to hear his voice, she knew she had fall­en in love and when she went to meet the man of her dreams in Paris, what a won­der­ful two weeks they spent to­gether.


When Sam’s fam­i­ly en­cour­aged him to find love so that he would no longer be lone­ly, he nev­er dreamed he would meet some­one like Ning who is so per­fect for him and Ning feels the same, Sam means the whole world to her and she will nev­er let him go.


Maria knew it was time in her life to find genuine true love with some­one she would want to spend the rest of her life with. So when James came along and they got mar­ried and set­tled in the USA, she knew she had found her destiny.


Ya­na came across this site quite by chance and had no ex­pe­ri­ence of on­line dat­ing but she’s so glad she tried it be­cause she soon met Dom­inque and has fall­en dee­p­ly in love with him.


Iri­na had nev­er used a dat­ing site be­fore and was a lit­tle ner­vous about meet­ing some­one for the first time. But she did­n’t need to wor­ry, Brain visit­ed her in the Ukraine and they had the most fan­tas­tic first date.


Sha felt very lone­ly go­ing home to her emp­ty house but that was un­til she met Rob and now they are mar­ried and the house is full of love, laugh­ter and Rob’s three chil­dren. They could not be hap­pi­er.


Vi­ta found her hand­some prince here on this site and, af­ter two won­der­ful meet­ings, now she and Chris­tian are in con­s­tant touch and can’t wait to see each other again.


Yuliya’s date with Saul re­al­ly was a dream come true. Af­ter a ro­man­tic meal with this hot tem­pered, tanned ma­cho Span­ish senor, they danced the night away and when the time came to say good­bye, there were no re­grets at all!


When John ar­rived for his vis­it to Ukraine with a huge bou­quet of flow­ers for Kate, she knew she had met a man who knew ex­act­ly how to treat a lady.


Al­though Jack and Lili had both been mar­ried be­fore, they still be­lieved that true love and a hap­py new life was wait­ing for them some­where. They are so glad they joined this site and found each other be­cause now they are plan­n­ing to be­come hus­band and wife!


Yu­lia and Pa­trick would not al­low can­celled flights and a six hour car jour­ney to pre­vent them from meet­ing each other and when they did fi­nal­ly get to­gether, they found that all the dra­ma had been worth it!


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