Unsere Glücklichen Paare

Mat­thew saw Juan Zhang’s pic­tures on the web­site and start­ed talk­ing to her straight away. Mat­thew is a chef and he’s very in­ter­est­ed in Chi­nese food. He used to be doubt­ful about on­line dat­ing but, when he saw…


Mar­vin and Jing Wen start­ed talk­ing to each other on our web­site in 2014. Their re­la­tion­ship has come a long way since then. At first, Jing Wen did­n’t even know how to speak En­glish so com­mu­ni­ca­tion was…


It is my turn to tell you about our first date. He came in­to my life like a flash­bulb! I liked him im­me­di­ate­ly! We met at the lo­cal park in my home town on a Sun­day, just three months af­ter we had first met on­line. He asked me…


Ying is an out­go­ing and ac­tive wo­m­an who ap­proach­es life with a pos­i­tive at­ti­tude. She be­lieves in fate and that if two peo­ple are not destined to be to­gether then their re­la­tion­ship will not last. Leo­nard is an Amer­i­can…


It was a great idea to reg­is­ter on this site! Al­though I like to com­mu­ni­cate and meet new peo­ple, I have to ad­mit my num­ber one goal was to meet my soul­mate. I was so excit­ed when I found my per­fect man here... and I found him…


Hong Wen is a 42-year-old tra­di­tio­n­al Chi­nese wo­m­an who lives in Shi­ji­azhuang, He­bei province. Three years ago, she di­vorced her hus­band of 13 years and then came across Jim­my on the dat­ing site. Jim­my is a…


Tong, 42, lived in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, Chi­na. She had nev­er mar­ried be­cause of her busy work life. She worked as a head nurse in a hos­pi­tal and took care of pa­tients so well that she had no time to make friend­s…


In Fe­bruary I met my man on this site, his name is Doy­an. I re­mem­ber my feel­ings back then very well. I dreamed about him day and night, I was so in love but, at the same time, I was very fright­ened be­cause we…


Yuan is a 54-year-old Chi­nese wo­m­an who lives in Wen­zhou, Zhe­jiang province. She was an En­glish teach­er when she was younger un­til she re­tired. S­ince then she spent ev­ery day read­ing at home…


I would like to tell you about my ex­pe­ri­ence with vir­tu­al dat­ing. I met a man from Eng­land through the in­ter­net and af­ter we had cor­re­spond­ed for a while we de­cid­ed to meet in per­son. Si­mon was hap­py to vis­it me…


Ping is 53 years old. She is a busi­ness wo­m­an from Chi­na who nev­er thought she would find some­one to love un­til the mo­ment she met Richard. Richard lives in Hong Kong now and has a ten year old son…


Mike is a typ­i­cal Amer­i­can man who worked hard and made mon­ey but he had still nev­er been mar­ried. He is now 62 years old and felt very lone­ly ev­ery day at home, so he signed up to the dat­ing site…


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