Our Happy Matches

I want to tell you about my meet­ing with Vasil from Bur­gas in Bul­garia. We start­ed to com­mu­ni­cate on the site and from the very first let­ters we knew that we had so much in com­mon. We talked about so many things! I nev­er thought…

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My name is Ma­ri­na and I want to share with you my beau­ti­ful sto­ry of meet­ing a man from the Unit­ed States of Amer­i­ca called Brad. This sto­ry is very sweet and I think quite unique be­cause it all be­gan many years ago on the dat­ing site…

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I want to share this short sto­ry about our meet­ing with all those peo­ple who do not be­lieve in the pow­er of a dat­ing site. We be­gan our com­mu­ni­ca­tions as any other cou­ple would - try­ing to get to know each other. Michael and I want­ed…

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It is al­ways so nice to re­call when we first got in touch. Ted and I first met each other through the web­site and, just from our let­ters, I knew that I had found my soul­mate. Al­though we chatt­ed and exchanged lots and lots of let­ters…

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I hope that my sto­ry sets a great ex­am­ple for others to show them not to be afraid, to do some­thing re­al and search for their hap­pi­ness. I re­mem­ber when I first got a let­ter from Jon. It was a nice day and I thought at the time, why not?…

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The first time that I met my love­ly Mark in re­al life I was, to be hon­est, amazed and just couldn’t be­lieve it was re­al. I was so hap­py to fi­nal­ly meet the man of my dreams who I had spent hours talk­ing to, lis­ten­ing to his voice, gett­ing to know him…

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I am writ­ing this sto­ry with a smile on my face. Howard ap­peared in my life so sud­den­ly but now he is a mas­sive part of me, he is my soul­mate! I am sure it was our destiny to meet each other! When I saw his first mes­sage some­thing hap­pened in­side…

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I am such a very hap­py wo­m­an and I am so grate­ful to this amaz­ing agen­cy for that hap­pi­ness be­cause they gave me the op­por­tu­ni­ty to meet Len and get to know him. I would like to ex­plain a lit­tle about how our hap­py life to­gether be­gan…

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I be­lieve in love at first sight and when I saw Steven I knew that all I want­ed was to be with him. His thought­ful eyes and won­der­ful smile caught my at­ten­tion then and now I am re­al­ly hap­py! I feel like my dream has come true, I have found a man…

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Our sto­ry be­gan the mo­ment we first start­ed chatt­ing with each other and from the very be­gin­n­ing I knew that this was the per­son I want­ed to be with. There was some mag­ic con­nec­tion be­tween us that guid­ed me ev­ery time I wrote to him…

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Our sto­ry is a fan­tas­tic one. It ac­tu­al­ly starts at the point when I de­cid­ed to vis­it this site to find my soul­mate. A friend of mine had ad­vised me to give it a try so I did. My first com­mu­ni­ca­tion with Bary was a chat then we be­gan to com­mu­ni­cate…

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Greet­ings! I am Anush and I am so thank­­ful to this site for their gen­er­ous sup­­port in help­ing me to find my love­­ly Soli and for us to now have a suc­cess­­ful mar­ri­age. I re­mem­ber the first day I re­­ceived a let­ter from Soli and. while I was read­­ing…

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