Micaela (Mica) från Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

This week BeHappy2Day.com is glad to introduce a gorgeous lady Mica from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Mica is an emotional and empathic lady who likes running and biking. She is looking for a passionate man who would like to make this relationship come true in reality. Would you like to know more about her? Read Mica’s story and enjoy her lovely photos.

Hel­lo dar­ling,

My name is Mi­ca, I have long brown hair and a slim, healthy fig­ure. I al­so have a great sense of hu­mor and have al­ways be­lieved that hap­pi­ness is the most im­por­tant thing in the world as it's some­thing we all chase af­ter all of our lives.

I would like to tell you more about my­self. I live alone here so some­times feel lone­ly and bored. I have a big fam­i­ly with two sis­ters and one brother. My sis­ters both live quite far away since they got mar­ried. They have hap­py mar­ried lives and I guess that is one of the rea­sons why I’m looked for some­one to mar­ry.

I love to ob­serve and I am a good lis­ten­er. I am a girl with deep emo­tions and fine feel­ings. I love to dis­cuss and share both my hap­pi­ness and un­hap­pi­ness with others.

I want to find a good man who will share his emo­tions too.

What are you look­ing for? What kind of wo­m­an are you in­ter­est­ed in?

I'd love to know that and I'd love to know more about your life. I have nev­er trav­elled abroad, that's a dream wait­ing to come true. I want to vis­it Eu­rope when I can have a holi­day, such a ro­man­tic place and maybe I'd meet a ro­man­tic man there as well.

I’ll give you some time to think about it. If you're in­ter­est­ed, just con­tact me!

I would love to hear from you soon.

Yours, Mi­ca

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