Ksenia from Kiev, Ukraine

This week BeHappy2Day.com is glad to introduce a stunning woman Ksenia from Kiev, Ukraine. Ksenia is sweet, charming, sociable, and romantic person who likes painting, doing sports, and brining joy and happiness to others. She wants to meet an honest man who will treat her like a princess. Would you like to know more about her? Read Ksenia’s story and enjoy her wonderful photos.

Hel­lo dear!

My name is Kse­nia and I’d like us to get to know each other.

When I came back to Kiev for a holi­day, I came across the most unu­su­al thing I've ev­er seen – there was Christ­mas tree with fairy lights mount­ed on a bi­cy­cle and you had to pe­dal it to make the fairy lights come on!

I re­al­ly loved it, as my main hob­by and pro­fes­sion is de­sign! I love cre­a­tive and func­tio­n­al things! I sewed my first item when I was just 9 years old and now my skill is al­ways with me, whichev­er coun­try I am. I love it when peo­ple find in­ter­est­ing ways of bring­ing peo­ple joy.

I al­so try to do this my­self and I have made some peo­ple hap­py!

But any­way, life goes on and soon I will re­turn to Ger­many. I like help­ing peo­ple in need and I’m glad to have had such an op­por­tu­ni­ty abroad. Can you tell me more about your tra­di­tions and gen­er­al views of life? I think we might have many things in com­mon. I’m wait­ing for your let­ter!

Hap­py New Year, dar­ling, and stay strong!

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