Julia from Nikopol, Ukraine

This week BeHappy2Day.com is glad to introduce a wonderful lady Julia from Nikopol, Ukraine. Yulia is a very creative person and adores pole dancing! Interested? Read Yulia’s story and enjoy viewing her amazing pictures.


My name is Ju­lia.

And I have a hob­by! Not so long ago, I start­ed pole danc­ing.

The first thing that im­pressed me about pole danc­ing was the grace, the sen­su­al­i­ty with which the twists and tricks on the pole were made!

When I first saw it, I liked it very much but at that time it seemed some­thing in­ac­ces­si­ble to me, some­thing from the realms of fan­ta­sy. I did not think that I would like it so much that I would just live it!

Now it is part of my life.

First of all, pole danc­ing is a sport. It com­bines el­e­ments such as dance, chore­og­ra­phy, artistry, sen­su­al­i­ty and plas­tic! The girls in­volved in pole danc­ing can nev­er be con­sid­ered to be weak wo­m­en be­cause this sport re­quires not on­ly great phys­i­cal ef­fort, but al­so spir­i­tu­al ef­fort.

On the out­side, a wo­m­an may seem very frag­ile but in­side she has tre­men­dous psy­cho­log­i­cal and emo­tio­n­al strength.

Pole danc­ing al­lows this pow­er to de­vel­op and then ev­ery­thing in life be­comes just won­der­ful be­cause, when you love and be­lieve in your­self, ev­ery­thing al­ways turns out well.

When I do what I want to in life and achieve what I as­pire to, this brings har­mony within me.


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