Lily uit Kharkov, Ukraine

This week is glad to introduce a beautiful lady Lily from Kharkov, Ukraine. Lily is a very positive and talented lady, who loves painting and creating new photo sessions in unusual places with interesting people! Intrigued? Read Lily’s story and enjoy her wonderful pictures.

My name is Li­ly. I look like a flow­er and I would like to tell you a lit­tle more about my­self.

I am fond of paint­ing, sing­ing, do­ing yo­ga and sport. You will be nev­er bored with me. My work is my main hob­by though - I am a mod­el.

I like to be­come dif­fer­ent char­ac­ters and to pre­sent re­al­ly dif­fer­ent ideas. I am a very cre­a­tive lady and eas­i­ly slip in­to a world of fan­ta­sy.

I al­so like mod­ern art. I like mod­ern lit­er­a­ture too and to en­ter in­to the worlds the au­thors cre­ate. Some­times I write my own short sto­ries which you can read if we get to know each other bet­ter. I be­lieve in love, destiny and chem­istry be­tween two peo­ple. I dream of a long term and strong re­la­tion­ship. I am search­ing for my Mr. Right and be­lieve that I will meet him soon.


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