Emilly (Milly) uit Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

This week BeHappy2Day.com is glad to introduce a beautiful lady Emilly from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Emilly is a traditional Brazil lady who cares for her family. She is looking for a man who can take her to travel all over the world. Would you like to know more about her? Read Emilly’s story and enjoy her wonderful photos.

Hel­­lo ev­ery­one, 

My name is Mil­­ly, You can see from my pho­­tos that I have blonde hair, a sexy pout and a great fig­ure. Yeah, I am a very con­­fi­­dent lady and I'm proud of my­­self. I am a very lov­ing wo­m­an, I am af­fec­­tio­­nate and will al­ways share my feel­ings with my lover. I will nev­er hide my­­self away from you. I like to show how much I love some­one with hugs and kis­s­es. I be­lieve we could en­joy a re­al­­ly ro­­man­tic re­la­­tion­­ship. Would you call your­­self a ro­­man­tic lover?

I en­joy my week­ends and holi­days and love sun­shine, beach­es and moun­tains. To re­lax, I ei­ther put on my danc­ing shoes or take a drive in my car to see all the beau­ty that na­ture has to of­fer. Would you like to be free and share more like this with me? I hope I can gain your at­ten­tion be­cause you are the love I am look­ing for. Are you ready?

I am not look­ing for per­fec­tion, I just want a man who will treat me well, maybe he'll take me trav­elling all over the world. I like trav­el­ing very much, there're so many beau­ti­ful places wait­ing for us to see. I be­lieve ev­ery trip will be un­for­gettable for us as we'll have each other’s com­pany. Do you agree with me?

Will you write to me?
Yours, Mil­ly

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