Marina de Poltava, Ukraine

This week is glad to introduce a stunning young lady Marina from Poltava, Ukraine. Marina is an emotional, funny and positive lady who really likes traveling, listening to music and watching movies. The lady wants to find a strong and reliable man. Would you like to know her closer? Read Marina’s story and enjoy her lovely photos.

Hel­lo, dar­ling!
My name is Ma­ri­na and I want to share some parts of my life with you.

I like be­ing pho­to­graphed and walk­ing through the streets of my na­tive ci­ty most of all. This time I had an op­por­tu­ni­ty to com­bine my fa­vorite ac­tiv­i­ties.

I’m a pos­i­tive per­son and al­ways smile.

I like be­ing out­doors, be­cause the en­er­gy of na­ture helps me to feel stronger and to feel the har­mony be­tween my in­n­er and out­er world. Flow­ers make our life brighter, but they can al­so be unique ac­ces­sories for our look. ;) Ac­tu­al­ly, na­ture gave us ev­ery­thing to feel great; we should learn how to use the gifts of the na­ture. Do you agree?

Since my child­hood cam­era has al­ways loved me so I took pho­tos of my­self ev­ery­where. Pho­tos seem to stop some mo­ment of life. We don’t have a time ma­chine, but we have me­m­ories and pho­tos, which can help us to come back to our best mo­ments of our lives.

So, I’ve opened my soul to you a lit­tle. If you want to know me bet­ter I’m here.


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