Derrick and Anastasia

I be­lieve that it is very im­por­tant for a wo­m­an to love and be loved. I have al­ways dreamed of a big fam­i­ly, a big house and a big dog. And now it seems that I am close to mak­ing this dream come true!

Be­cause I work in a staff group of wo­m­en, it’s hard for me to meet a man at work so I de­cid­ed to try and find my­self a part­n­er on this web­site. This site is very con­ve­nient be­cause it pro­vides the op­por­tu­ni­ty to get to know and talk to a per­son, to de­cide whether you are in­ter­est­ed in cont­inu­ing com­mu­ni­ca­tions and whether his goals and out­look co­in­cide with yours.

I looked through the men’s pro­files and spott­ed the pho­to of Der­rick wear­ing a white shirt and thought, what a good look­ing man he is! I love it when a man wears a shirt. I was a lit­tle shy to open­ly tell him that at first, be­cause we are all a lit­tle afraid to open up our hearts but I over­came my own fear and wrote him about it! We then com­mu­ni­cat­ed with the help of let­ters which al­lowed us to get to know each other bet­ter. He told me about his life and that he was look­ing for a tru­ly genuine wife and I re­al­ly want­ed to find some­one who has the same goals and val­ues ​​as I have. How ro­man­tic it was. I wait­ed im­pa­tient­ly for his let­ters and thought about him around the clock! It was in­ter­est­ing to cor­re­spond and come to un­der­s­tand a per­son lit­tle by lit­tle. Through­out the time that we com­mu­ni­cat­ed on the site, my heart soared and I couldn’t wait to meet Der­rick.

Der­rick is from the USA, but he found the op­por­tu­ni­ty to fly to Ukraine to meet me. I was on the sev­enth heav­en with hap­pi­ness when he wrote to tell me that he was com­ing! De­spite this, be­fore the meet­ing, a lit­tle doubt crept in. I asked my­self: what if it turned out not at all how I had planned? What if sud­den­ly some­thing went wrong dur­ing the meet­ing? I speak prac­ti­cal­ly no En­glish but the site pro­vid­ed us with an in­ter­preter so that we could com­mu­ni­cate.

So, we fi­nal­ly met! And I was lucky, the meet­ing went even bet­ter than I could have imagined! I no­ticed im­me­di­ate­ly that he had put on that same white shirt, which we had talked about, and he ad­mitt­ed that he had done that on pur­pose. It was so sweet. I was thrilled by his at­ten­tive­ness to­wards me. It was evi­dent that he was genuine­ly in­ter­est­ed in me, he re­mem­bered ev­ery­thing I had writ­ten in my let­ters to him. It was so in­ter­est­ing to get to know each other.

Our meet­ing last­ed 3 hours but flew by in an in­s­tant. A big part of the meet­ing’s suc­cess was that the fact that we had com­mu­ni­cat­ed on the site be­fore­hand so we al­ready had a lot of com­mon ground from those con­ver­sa­tions. I want­ed us to walk to­gether and to show him the park in our ci­ty cen­ter so we went to Gorky Park. It felt like we dis­cussed ev­ery­thing un­der the sun and that we had so much in com­mon. We both look in one di­rec­tion and we have the same out­look on life. Thanks to the site, I have been able to find a man with whom I would love to cre­ate a fam­i­ly, in whom I see a fu­ture hus­band and the fa­ther of my chil­dren... and we both want to have a big dog. Ev­ery­thing is just like it was in my dream!



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