Happy Match

Our Testimonials

Please contact customer support if you would like to leave a testimonial about our services.

Sam and Kate

Sam and Kate tru­ly love each other and got mar­ried ear­li­er this year.

Sam comes from the beau­ti­ful is­land of New Zea­land where he works as a uni­ver­si­ty pro­fes­sor. He has a love­ly fam­i­ly of five chil­dren and six grandchil­dren but had been sin­gle for many years af­ter the fail­ure of his mar­ri­…

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Richard, USA

To me, Ukrainian women always seemed a distant dream. You see them on TV or posters, but rarely in Southampton do I meet any. In fact, I never did. That’s until I signed up to your website and suddenly had lots of beautiful Russian ladies who I could read about and contact. I began speaking with a girl from Kiev called Anna. She is delightful. The features of this website made it so much…

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Victoria and Marc

Good afternoon!

I would like to share my experience here on this site. Firstly, I want to thank my agency and this site for helping us with our meeting. I was not sure about meeting Marc in person at first because we had only been communicating with each other for a very short time but Marc was so gallant and smart that I knew I could stop worrying and agree to meet him. Our meeting…

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Claus & Elena

Darling Claus!

Memories of our wonderful meeting still warm my heart. I am really glad that after two months of correspondence we made the decision to meet! What a wonderful week we had together! The city was preparing for New Year so the atmosphere everywhere around was festive and almost magical! I will never forget drinking mulled wine with you at a street fair or going to the concert of organ music. We had so …

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Antonina and Vic

Hello dear Vic! 

I am writing this letter to express my gratitude for the sweet meeting we had. Before we met, I was very excited - my desire to meet you was incredibly strong and genuine. I am delighted our date happened! 

Our correspondence did not last very long; we exchanged only a few letters! But I'm glad you were so determined to meet! That is how I see my ideal man – he travels, sees…

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Mateo, Mexico

Being alone was very hard for me. I`ve tried to go to the bars and other places but it was just a waste of time. Fortunately, one of my friends recommended me to use your website and now I feel more confident. I met Svetlana here and now I am packing my bags because we decided to meet in her country. Thank you for this opportunity!


I want to inform you that through your web site I met the most special person in my life. Your site was very important in setting up our meetings, allowing us to get to know each other. Your translator was very good. Our romance developed, we went through the process of getting a visa and we got married. Now we have been married for over a year and our lives are still all I hoped…

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Gunnar, Iceland

It was like a fairytale! This site helped my dream come true. I always wanted a woman from another part of the world with another type of mentality and you helped me find the love of my life! It is a charming woman, Natalia, from Ukraine. After some months of our communication, we finally met each other! Thank you!

Olga and Pierre

Here is my story. We met online. Neither of us expected to fall in love on a dating site. I thought it would be impossible to trust someone who is far away from you but I looked at his photo and felt like he was my soulmate.

Now I know it was destiny because we are perfect for each other. I only want him in my life. He is the man of my dreams. Our…

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Lily and Tom

Lily and Tom met on our site and dated for a few months before they decided to plan their wedding next year.

Tom is from New York City, USA and comes from a very well educated family with two older brothers and two younger sisters. He works as a professor at a large renowned university. He had been married for over 30 years and has four grown-up children who all live close to him…

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