Happy Match

Our Testimonials

Please contact customer support if you would like to leave a testimonial about our services.

Moritz, Germany

Finally, after a difficult divorce, I’ve decided to start a new relationship. Among thousands of profiles on your website, I found a really pretty lady. Her name is Anastasia and she’s very beautiful and funny. We always have something to talk about and to laugh at. I think she is my real soul mate, my true love, my heart. Thank you so much!!!

Adriano and Ekaterina

Hi, my name is Eka­te­ri­na. I want to share with you my pos­i­tive ex­pe­ri­ence on this site! I am very glad that I reg­is­tered be­cause I be­lieve that we should use ev­ery chance to find hap­pi­ness. I al­so be­lieve in destiny and true love. I be­gan com­mu­ni­cat­ing with Adriano, who is from Ita­ly, sev­er­al months ago and we soon felt that we had a lot in com­mon.…

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Daniel, Canada

Hello, I am a member of Behappy2day. I love this site! It's so awesome!!!
My lovely young lady Irina and I are planning to visit each other and are very excited about this. This would not be possible if it were not for your wonderful site! Thank you… For everything!!!

Gary, United Kingdom

Giving me the opportunity to meet and chat with Cristina has been amazing. She is such a beautiful woman! The chance to send letters to her and then experience live video chat made it so easy to get to know her. She was funny and outgoing – and that might have been harder for her to be if we met face-to-face first of all – she is quite shy, and she was…

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Babbken and Naira

Hel­lo Ev­ery­one!

I’m Bab­bken and this is my love­ly wife Nai­ra! I would like to share our love sto­ry with you and al­so say to thank you to this agen­cy for help­ing me to meet the true love of my life.

Our re­la­tion­ship in fact be­gan long be­fore we met when we were just writ­ing let­ters to get to know each other. I can’t ex­plain the feel­ing…

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Henrik, Norway

I’ve never thought that online dating can lead to serious relationships. To tell the truth, our chatting with Diana started just for fun as well. But soon I realized that we have so much in common, though she lived halfway around the world. And can you believe it? Soon we are getting married! So, thanks a lot to this website for my wife!

Kishore and Qiao

Qiao and Kishore met each other on the dat­ing site and, since the very be­gin­n­ing, they wrote to each other ev­ery day. Kishore re­mained faith­ful to Qiao and he told us that, in all the time they were com­mu­ni­cat­ing with each other, he did not re­p­ly to any other lady on the dat­ing site. They wrote and chatt­ed with each other at a fixed time ev­ery day and…

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Frans and Anahit

I am Anahit and I would like to share with you my love sto­ry with Frans.

I reg­is­tered with this agen­cy be­cause I thought that it would be a good way to meet peo­ple, to meet the per­son I would love for the rest of my life. Ac­tu­al­ly it turned out to be the right de­ci­sion to join the site be­cause other­wise I wouldn’t have met my…

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Franz, Switzerland

I never thought I would be engaged to the lady of my dreams but it’s true! I feel I can be myself around her, we have similar hobbies and even laugh at the same jokes! I can’t wish a better wife! I am looking forward to the day when we say “I do”! Thanks!

Peter, the USA, California

Russian women have always been a fantasy for me. I live in a country where the women are independent and busy, and Russian women are so different and wonderful. They have good manners and are very open to many ways of looking at the world. I have been alone for many years, and I met on the site two beautiful and polite women that want to see me. I was on the…

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