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Hi, my name is Eka­te­ri­na. I want to share with you my pos­i­tive ex­pe­ri­ence on this site! I am very glad that I reg­is­tered be­cause I be­lieve that we should use ev­ery chance to find hap­pi­ness. I al­so be­lieve in destiny and true love. I be­gan…

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Hel­lo Ev­ery­one! I’m Bab­bken and this is my love­ly wife Nai­ra! I would like to share our love sto­ry with you and al­so say thank you to this agen­cy for help­ing me to meet the true love of my life. Our re­la­tion­ship in fact be­gan long be­fore we met…

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Qiao and Kishore met each other on the dat­ing site and, since the very be­gin­n­ing, they wrote to each other ev­ery day. Kishore re­mained faith­ful to Qiao and he told us that, in all the time they were com­mu­ni­cat­ing with each other at a fixed time…

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I am Anahit and I would like to share with you my love sto­ry with Frans. I reg­is­tered with this agen­cy be­cause I thought that it would be a good way to meet peo­ple, to meet the per­son I would love for the rest of my life. Ac­tu­al­ly it turned out…

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The world was trans­formed for­ev­er for me when I met my love­ly Ulf. It is such a won­der­ful feel­ing when one starts think­ing about and feel­ing things in a dif­fer­ent way, how I look at ev­ery­thing pos­i­tive­ly, how I love it when he smiles, how I…

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Gui is 62 and comes from Heng Yang in the Hu Nan province of Chi­na. She has very long black hair and you can tell from her pho­to that she is very open mind­ed and very good at keep­ing in touch with her friends. Robert and Gui got to know…

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The sto­ry of Ele­na from Rus­sia and Pa­van from In­dia be­gan in March 2016 when Pa­van found Ele­na on the dat­ing site. Al­though they exchanged sev­er­al let­ters, Pa­van was busy trav­elling with work so they stopped com­mu­ni­cat­ing…

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Hel­lo ev­ery­one, I am Ni­cho­las and I would like to share my sto­ry with you about how I met my love­ly wife, Ka­ri­na. I re­mem­ber the day when I saw her pho­to on the site. It was a love­ly pho­to and stood out for me im­me­di­ate­ly be­cause of her…

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I re­spect all men and I can't imagine my life with­out love. That is why I came here, to this site. On th­ese pages I met some­one spe­cial. His name is David. We spent a lot of time on-line, talk­ing about our dreams and mak­ing plans for our fu­ture…

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I want to tell you about my meet­ing with Vasil from Bur­gas in Bul­garia. We start­ed to com­mu­ni­cate on the site and from the very first let­ters we knew that we had so much in com­mon. We talked about so many things! I nev­er thought…

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My name is Ma­ri­na and I want to share with you my beau­ti­ful sto­ry of meet­ing a man from the Unit­ed States of Amer­i­ca called Brad. This sto­ry is very sweet and I think quite unique be­cause it all be­gan many years ago on the dat­ing site…

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I want to share this short sto­ry about our meet­ing with all those peo­ple who do not be­lieve in the pow­er of a dat­ing site. We be­gan our com­mu­ni­ca­tions as any other cou­ple would - try­ing to get to know each other. Michael and I want­ed…

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