Mariam aus Yerevan, Armenia

This week is glad to introduce a beautiful lady Mariam from Yerevan, Armenia. Mariam is a very kind and honest lady, who likes reading and traveling! Interested? Read Mariam’s story and enjoy her amazing photos.

Hi my Dear,

My name is Mari­am and I am from Ar­me­nia. I am an ac­tive lady, full of life. I am here to meet the per­son who will to­tal­ly change my life and make it brighter and hap­pi­er. I am an en­thu­si­as­tic per­son and I en­joy life to the full so I’m usu­al­ly al­ways do­ing some­thing. I work hard and try to ma­n­age to do ev­ery­thing that I’ve planned for the day.

I love sports, par­tic­u­lar­ly swim­ming be­cause I love wa­ter and find swim­ming re­lax­ing and it al­so helps to keep me healthy. I go to a sports com­plex ev­ery week and try to take care of my body and my health.

I al­so en­joy mu­sic and when­ev­er I have any spare time I like to go to the North­ern Av­enue in Yere­van and lis­ten to some in­ter­est­ing and new mu­sic played by vari­ous bands but I en­joy jazz most of all.

I think that ev­ery­one should fil­l their lives with ex­pe­ri­ences and there should al­ways be some­thing new to do. In fact, my life would be just per­fect if I could share th­ese ad­ven­tures, sweet mo­ments, laugh­ter and smiles with a love­ly man who will al­ways be by my side. I do hope to meet him soon.


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