Anna from Kharkov, Ukraine

This week is glad to introduce a stunning lady Anna from Kharkov, Ukraine. Anna is a cheerful and optimistic lady, who loves reading, sport, fashion and growing flowers. She is looking for a man to share the rest of her life with. Would you like to know more about her? Read Anna’s story and enjoy her beautiful photos.

Hel­lo dear,

When I was a lit­tle girl I used to think that 30-year old wo­m­en were old. When I was a young girl, I used to think that no one could be in­ter­est­ed in a sin­gle mom. Well, what can I say now... I am over 30 and I am a sin­gle mom. And what I know for sure that this is just the be­gin­n­ing for me! I do be­lieve that true love knows no ages or bor­ders and other things that are ob­vi­ous­ly not so sig­ni­f­i­cant.

I think that falling in love is won­der­ful at any age, but it is much bet­ter with some ex­pe­ri­ence. So, I am more than ready for love. I am sure that my fu­ture hus­band will be the hap­pi­est man on Earth. Are you sure that you won’t re­gret lett­ing your chance for hap­pi­ness pass by?;)



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