Jasbleidy from Medellín, Colombia

This week BeHappy2Day.com is glad to introduce a stunning lady Jasbleidy from Medellín, Colombia. Jasbleidy is a romantic lady who loves smiling. She is looking for a man who wants a healthy and happy life with her. Would you like to know more about her? Read Jasbleidy’s story and enjoy her amazing photos.

Hel­lo dear,

Most peo­ple think I am a cool wo­m­an with a hard face when they first see me, but this is not the true me. Ac­tu­al­ly, I love to smile but I don’t smile much in front of the cam­era. I am not very good at hav­ing my pho­to tak­en. I like spend­ing time out­doors with friends, for ex­am­ple go­ing to a BBQ, climb­ing and so on.

I can share more about my­self with you.

I am a very ro­man­tic lady. Apart from when I have to work, I want to spend a lot of sweet time with my man. But now while I am sin­gle I spend time with friends or on my own. If I'm in a re­la­tion­ship, I sup­pose there's a lot of things wait­ing for us to do to­gether.

This is the first time I have joined this kind of dat­ing site. I re­al­ly want to find my true and last­ing love on this site. We can start as lovers but I hope this would de­vel­op in­to be­ing hus­band and wife one day. I want my fu­ture hus­band to be a man who wants a healthy and hap­py life with me.

Let's talk soon, ok?
Yours, Jas­blei­dy

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