Oksana de Mariupol, Ukraine

This week, we proudly introduce you an adorable lady Oxana from Mariupol, Ukraine. This lady is tender and feminine, but also strong inside. She dreams about being happy and waits for her perfect match. Would you like to know more? Enjoy Oxana’s story and her colorful photos.

Hello dear!

I have a bright per­so­n­al­i­ty, bring­ing light and joy to those I love. Some peo­ple seek hap­pi­ness in wealth while my search for hap­pi­ness is di­rect­ed at love. Some peo­ple say that life is a game, where ev­ery­thing is de­cid­ed by chance but I be­lieve our destiny is in our own hands.

I'm ready to be­come your lucky star. I ma­n­aged to build a fam­i­ly and did ev­ery­thing I could to bring har­mony to it. Then I be­came dis­ap­point­ed with my path through life but now I'm ready to start again.

I know how to re­build hap­pi­ness from the ruins. Like a phoenix, I'm re­born from the ash­es.

There­fore, dif­fi­cul­ties do not scare me, on the con­trary - they bring me alive. A strong wo­m­an al­so needs the strong shoulders of her beloved man! So I’m here in the hope of find­ing my sup­port, faith and love. Bright stars shine even brighter when they are sur­round­ed by a love con­stel­la­tion! Do you agree?


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