Tatiana de Mariupol, Ukraine

This week we are delighted to introduce you a young splendid lady Tatiana from Mariupol, Ukraine. Every woman wants to love and to be loved… This is what Tatiana is looking for now. Would you love to know more about her? Here is Tatiana’s message to you with her marvelous photos.

Hi Sweet­heart,

I'm here to tell you my sto­ry. I'm not a writ­er or a philo­so­pher, I'm just a lov­ing and car­ing wo­m­an. Th­ese are just thoughts but I hope they will help you to un­der­s­tand me bet­ter. Peo­ple of­ten won­der what hap­pi­ness is and I do know the an­sw­er to this dif­fi­cult ques­tion.

In this mat­ter, I com­plete­ly agree with L. Tol­s­toy: “Even the face of the most evil per­son blooms when some­one says that he is loved. There­fore, love is hap­pi­ness...”. I love th­ese words for their sim­plic­i­ty and depth.

Ev­ery girl is look­ing for love. And I won’t de­ny that I am no dif­fer­ent from the ma­jor­i­ty of sin­gle wo­m­en. I am smart and beau­ti­ful. I'm very kind. The sun plays in my eyes, my hair flows like a stream and slow­ly cas­cades down my shoulders. Ap­pear­ance at­tracts like a mag­net. Do you agree?

But what is ca­pa­ble of hold­ing and cap­ti­vat­ing you is tru­ly much deep­er - it’s my soul. If you are not afraid to look deep­er - you are the man I need. I'm look­ing for­ward to talk­ing to you here.


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