Nuestros emparejamientos felices

Sam and Kate tru­ly love each other and got mar­ried ear­li­er this year. Sam comes from the beau­ti­ful is­land of New Zea­land where he works as a uni­ver­si­ty pro­fes­sor. he has a love­ly fam­i­ly of five chil­dren and six grandchil­dren…

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Dar­ling Claus! Me­m­ories of our won­der­ful meet­ing are still warm my heart. I am re­al­ly glad that af­ter two months of cor­re­spon­dence we made the de­ci­sion to meet! What a won­der­ful week we had to­gether! The ci­ty…

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Here is my sto­ry. We met on­line. Nei­ther of us ex­pect­ed to fall in love on a dat­ing site. I thought it would be im­pos­si­ble to trust some­one who is far away from you but I looked at his pho­to and felt like he was my…

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Li­ly and Tom met on our site and dat­ed for a few months be­fore they de­cid­ed to plan their wed­d­ing next year. Tom is from New York Ci­ty, USA and comes from a very well ed­u­cat­ed fam­i­ly with two old­er brother­s…

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Kevin is sin­gle fa­ther from Lon­don, UK with an 18 year old son. Al­though he has a big fam­i­ly, most of them live far away. He had been sin­gle since his wife left him 7 years ago and he felt very lone­ly so he was…

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Hel­lo! I’m Na­talia from Ukraine and I want to thank this dat­ing site for my hap­pi­ness! I found my beloved here, he is from Turkey. You can’t even imagine how hap­py I am. We have just had our first ro­man­tic…

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Michael lives in Aus­tralia and is fa­ther to three kids. He has al­ways worked hard to sup­port his fam­i­ly but now he is ready to find a wo­m­an to love and to grow old with. He was re­al­ly hap­py when he found Ling…

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Peth and Sha fell in love on our site and now they are hap­pi­ly mar­ried. Peth is from New York in the USA where he is very suc­cess­ful busi­ness­man and the fa­ther or four grown up kids. He was plan­n­ing…

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Richard is from Amer­i­ca but he has been teach­ing in Shang­hai for the last six years so he can speak very good Chi­nese. He likes Chi­na and the cul­ture here. He has told us that he would like to find a Chi­nese wife…

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Hel­lo I’m Jose and I had been with this agen­cy for two years be­fore I found my most won­der­ful love, my sweet an­gel Nu­via in Cali, Colom­bia. She was lone­ly like me and I fell in love when she start­ed to send me…

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My life is amaz­ing now! It’s like a hon­ey­moon but it’s last­ing so much longer and it’s so won­der­ful! And my hus­band is the best man in the world. I found him through the in­ter­net and we met sev­er­al times in Ukraine…

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Jan and Juan meet on our site and soon they will be hap­pi­ly trav­elling around the world to­gether. Jan lives in Swe­den where he has a big fam­i­ly. He is now re­tired and ready to en­joy life with a wo­m­an. He had…

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