Nuestros emparejamientos felices

I am so hap­py and I want to tell you the rea­son for my hap­pi­ness. We met on­line two months ago and spent some re­al­ly won­der­ful time to­gether. It was in­ter­est­ing to talk about dif­fer­ent things and to dream to­gether…

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My name is Ele­na, I am from Ukraine and I would like to share my ex­pe­ri­ence here with you. I want to en­cour­age any­one who doubts whether on­line dat­ing does or does not work. First let me tell you why I came here…

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I have been mar­ried but we have since di­vorced. To be hon­est I was ex­treme­ly scep­ti­cal about on-line dat­ing but my daugh­ter told me about this ser­vice and helped me to sub­mit my pro­file. She helped me to be­lieve…

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Love is pow­er­ful and un­pre­dictable. I have al­ways be­lieved in this and had wait­ed for such a mo­ment to hap­pen in my life. And it did hap­pen. Maybe it was destiny be­cause I re­ceived the first let­ter on Va­len­tine's Day…

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Kang is from Chang­sha where she works at a school as an En­glish teach­er. She has told us that she comes from an or­d­i­nary fam­i­ly and that her par­ents are very tra­di­tio­n­al. Jack is from Ca­na­da and he joined…

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Qian Qian works as a cos­met­ics sales­per­son. She is a very easy go­ing and open mind­ed girl who loves to trav­el. Za­hir is from Viet­nam where he works as a sailor. He said he nev­er thought that he would find…

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Richard is from Amer­i­ca but has been teach­ing in Chi­na for six years and so he can speak very good Chi­nese. He likes Chi­na and the cul­ture here. He says the peo­ple are re­al­ly kind and sin­cere…

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Yu Mei, 46, lives in Foshan, Guang­­dong province and runs her own cloth­ing store. The monotony of her dai­­ly work made her feel very tired but af­ter work she had no one around to be with fol­low­ing her di­vorce…

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Tim is from Amer­i­ca but both his par­ents come from Chi­na. They emi­grat­ed to Amer­i­ca for­ty years ago and ev­ery year they go back to vis­it Chi­na to see their rel­a­tives. Tim is now work­ing for a trad­ing com­pany…

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Rui is a 36-year-old Chi­nese wo­m­an who is gener­ous, pas­sio­nate and cheer­ful and who loves do­ing house­work. She works as a sales ma­n­ag­er for a public com­pany and ev­ery­one around her prais­es her for her abil­i­ty…

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Xixi is from Chang­sha where she works as an En­glish teach­er for a school. She likes to try new things and be­lieves that love is amaz­ing. Hasan is from the Philip­pines where he works as a driv­er. He says…

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First of all I want to say that I am the hap­pi­est per­son in the world! The rea­son for my hap­pi­ness is LOVE! As you get old­er you look for re­al, true love. It is not al­ways easy to fall in love be­cause of your past…

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