Onze Happy Matches

Ethan and Fang start­ed talk­ing to each other two years ago and say they com­plete­ly fell for each other. Ethan is 70 years old and has a large fam­i­ly but, be­cause they live a long way from him, he felt very lone­ly a lot of the time. Ethan told us…

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For me, my good name and rep­u­ta­tion are the most im­por­tant things that I val­ue. I am se­ri­ous and hon­est and I have al­ways want­ed to find the same traits in my part­n­er for life. I was so lucky to find David through the In­ter­net! It all start­ed on my birth­day

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To­day I would like to share our sto­ry with you. My name is Xi and I come from Chi­na which is a very nice coun­try. The man I met is called Ben and he is from France. Now he is my fiancé and soon I will go to France to live with him…

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Hey. My name is Na­talia and I want to share my sto­ry with you. I be­lieve that for any wo­m­an it is very im­por­tant to meet a man who will treat her like a true lady. This is not enough for wo­m­en liv­ing in Ukraine! Ev­ery wo­m­an who ap­plies…

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Owen is from the USA and Wany­ing Zhao is from Shenyang in Chi­na. They met each other on our we­b­site and now they’re plan­n­ing their wed­d­ing. Their re­la­tion­ship has come a long way. At first, Wany­ing didn’t know any En­glish at all…

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Na­­ta­­ly has been a mem­ber of the agen­­cy since last year. This is a long time for a lady to stay on our database with­­out any­­body show­ing any in­­ter­est but then José saw her pro­­file. He called the of­­fice to ask if she was still sin­­gle and avai­l­able…

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‘When love is not mad­ness, it is not love.’ Xue is a vi­o­lin­ist who works in a mu­sic bar in Chi­na. She has the ro­man­tic tem­per­a­ment of an artist. Steve is a swim­ming coach from New Zea­land. A year ago to­day, Steve first visit­ed the site…

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Alexan­dra and Waine built their re­la­tion­ship brick by brick - first with let­ters and chats on the dat­ing site and then dur­ing cor­re­spon­dence through pri­vate let­ters. Alexan­dra's op­ti­mism and sin­cer­i­ty and the open­ness of Waine show…

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Ed­ward and Christi­na Li met each other on our web­site and when they first met face to face, it was at the air­port when Christi­na took her daugh­ter to meet Ed­ward too. They had such a won­der­ful time to­gether and now they’re plan­n­ing their wed­d­ing.…

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I worked very hard, that’s why I felt lone­ly. I had al­ways looked for a Latin wo­m­an and I pre­ferred Colom­bian ladies be­cause my friend and neigh­bor has a won­der­ful Colom­bian wife. He has made a love­ly fam­i­ly with her and their chil­dren…

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Af­ter study­ing En­glish at uni­ver­si­ty for four years, Xiao works as an En­glish teach­er in Chi­na. Na­t­u­ral­ly, she very much un­der­s­tands and en­joys west­ern cul­ture too. David works as a sales­per­son for a large com­pany and of­ten trav­els…

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Vearl and Svet­la­na had been cor­re­spond­ing by let­ter for a long time and, day by day, the con­tent of their let­ters be­came more and more in­ti­mate. Vearl comes from the USA, a huge coun­try where there are many skies of dif­fer­ent col­ors…

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