Happy Match

Our Testimonials

Please contact customer support if you would like to leave a testimonial about our services.

Bastian, Germany

Next month I’m going to Ukraine to visit Elena, and I think that it will be the moment of our lives. We started communicating three months ago and now I spend every free minute to talk to her. We are very lucky thanks to you!

Samuel and Xiulan

Sa­muel and Xi­u­lan Wang met each other on the web­site.

Sa­muel is a pho­to­g­ra­pher and he en­joys trav­el­ing around the world a lot. He said he had seen so much beau­ti­ful scen­ery but noth­ing com­pared with Xi­u­lan. He used to be a shy per­son but now love has re­al­ly changed him. He said Xi­u­lan learned En­glish so quick­ly that it re­al­ly sur­prised him. He tru­ly ap­pre­ci­ates this…

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Bryan and Marina

Hi my name is Bryan and I am from Dal­las in the USA. I met Ma­ri­na on this site. She is a cos­me­tol­o­gist and such an in­ter­est­ing wo­m­an. We have so much in com­mon! We be­gan our com­mu­ni­ca­tion sev­er­al months ago and im­me­di­ate­ly re­al­ized that there was chem­istry be­tween us – we like the same things, we have many in­ter­ests and hob­bies in com­mon. We like to dis­cuss top­ics in depth and we un­der­s­tand each…

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William and Xiuwen

Wil­li­am and Xi­uwen met each other on our we­b­site.

Wil­li­am is 50 years old and he owned an Amer­i­­can fast food res­­tau­rant. His busi­­ness was very suc­cess­­ful but, af­ter he suf­fered a heart at­­tack, he de­­cid­ed to re­tire and en­joy the rest of his life. Wil­li­am said that when they got to know each other, he dis­­­cov­­ered he had a lot of things in com­­mon with Xi­uwen.…

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David, Switzerland

I just wanted to say thank you for my new family! When I met Maria on your website I couldn’t even imagine how far it would go… Now I’m happily married! 

Mike and Termine

I would like to share my love sto­ry with you and tell you how I met this won­der­ful man who changed my life dra­mat­i­cal­ly. My love, my life, the mean­ing of my ex­is­tence is my Mike. He is my ev­ery­thing and I am so grate­ful to this site for bring­ing me so much hap­pi­ness. I have found what I was miss­ing from my life the most - love. Mike is my mo­ti­va­tion, in­spi­ra­tion and of­fers me great sup­port. He makes me hap­py as a wo­m­an. I have nev­er had such feel­ings be­fore and could nev­er have dreamed of hav­ing such a won­der­ful life. But this is re­al, Mike has made my life col­or­ful, full of pas­sion, love, sup­port and care. Now we have a won­der­ful child who re­al­ly is the cen­ter of our uni­verse and the mean­ing of our lives…

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Ethan and Fang

Ethan and Fang start­ed talk­ing to each other two years ago and say they com­plete­ly fell for each other.

Ethan is 70 years old and has a large fam­i­ly but, be­cause they live a long way from him, he felt very lone­ly a lot of the time. Ethan told us that Fang has been his savior who brings him joy and who makes his life so much bet­ter. Ethan al­so said that, when…

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Noah, New Zealand

Maria and I are going to be married in a few weeks, and I can't believe my luck. I live in a pretty big city in New Zealand, but it is still quiet and still not much variety out there. The site gave me the chance to spread my wings a little without taking too much of a risk. Maria messaged me first, which still amazes me. She said she liked my…

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David and Oksana

For me, my good name and rep­u­ta­tion are the most im­por­tant things that I val­ue. I am se­ri­ous and hon­est and I have al­ways want­ed to find the same traits in my part­n­er for life. I was so lucky to find David through the In­ter­net!

It all start­ed on my birth­day when David just want­ed to wish me many hap­py things on my spe­cial day and then we…

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Ben and Xi

To­­day I would like to share our sto­ry with you.

My name is Xi and I come from Chi­­na which is a very nice coun­try. The man I met is called Ben and he is from France. Now he is my fiancé and soon I will go to France to live with him.

We met each other on the dat­ing site. At the very be­gin­n­ing, I did not trust this site and to be hon­est I did not even trust Ben. He lived in another coun­try, a long way away, and I am from a very tra­di­­tio­n­al coun­try but he kept chat­t­ing to me and, more im­­por­­tan­t­­ly, he al­­so kept writ­ing to me.

Ben is a very char­m­ing and at­­trac­­tive man who is al­­so re­al­­ly kind. Af­ter we had com­­mu­ni­­cat­ed for three months, he came to Chi­­na to meet me. I was moved that he was pre­­pared to do that for our re­la­­tion­­ship…

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