Happy Match

Our Testimonials

Please contact customer support if you would like to leave a testimonial about our services.

Robert and Yecenia

Robert is from Vienna in Austria and is living in Spain. Yecenia is from Cali, Colombia. This couple met through the dating website, they exchanged many letters and enjoyed many chats before finally meeting.

Robert had been looking for a lovely Latina for many years. Even when he had the opportunity to chat to lots of different singles ladies on the site, Yecenia was his immediate choice to begin…

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Bastian, Germany

Next month I’m going to Ukraine to visit Elena, and I think that it will be the moment of our lives. We started communicating three months ago and now I spend every free minute to talk to her. We are very lucky thanks to you!

Samuel and Xiulan

Sa­muel and Xi­u­lan Wang met each other on the web­site.

Sa­muel is a pho­to­g­ra­pher and he en­joys trav­el­ing around the world a lot. He said he had seen so much beau­ti­ful scen­ery but noth­ing com­pared with Xi­u­lan. He used to be a shy per­son but now love has re­al­ly changed him. He said Xi­u­lan learned En­glish so quick­ly that it re­al­ly sur­prised him. He tru­ly ap­pre­ci­ates this…

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Bryan and Marina

Hi my name is Bryan and I am from Dal­las in the USA. I met Ma­ri­na on this site. She is a cos­me­tol­o­gist and such an in­ter­est­ing wo­m­an. We have so much in com­mon! We be­gan our com­mu­ni­ca­tion sev­er­al months ago and im­me­di­ate­ly re­al­ized that there was chem­istry be­tween us – we like the same things, we have many in­ter­ests and hob­bies in com­mon. We like to dis­cuss top­ics in depth and we un­der­s­tand each…

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William and Xiuwen

Wil­li­am and Xi­uwen met each other on our we­b­site.

Wil­li­am is 50 years old and he owned an Amer­i­­can fast food res­­tau­rant. His busi­­ness was very suc­cess­­ful but, af­ter he suf­fered a heart at­­tack, he de­­cid­ed to re­tire and en­joy the rest of his life. Wil­li­am said that when they got to know each other, he dis­­­cov­­ered he had a lot of things in com­­mon with Xi­uwen.…

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David, Switzerland

I just wanted to say thank you for my new family! When I met Maria on your website I couldn’t even imagine how far it would go… Now I’m happily married! 

Mike and Termine

I would like to share my love sto­ry with you and tell you how I met this won­der­ful man who changed my life dra­mat­i­cal­ly. My love, my life, the mean­ing of my ex­is­tence is my Mike. He is my ev­ery­thing and I am so grate­ful to this site for bring­ing me so much hap­pi­ness. I have found what I was miss­ing from my life the most - love. Mike is my mo­ti­va­tion, in­spi­ra­tion and of­fers me great sup­port. He makes me hap­py as a wo­m­an. I have nev­er had such feel­ings be­fore and could nev­er have dreamed of hav­ing such a won­der­ful life. But this is re­al, Mike has made my life col­or­ful, full of pas­sion, love, sup­port and care. Now we have a won­der­ful child who re­al­ly is the cen­ter of our uni­verse and the mean­ing of our lives…

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Ethan and Fang

Ethan and Fang start­ed talk­ing to each other two years ago and say they com­plete­ly fell for each other.

Ethan is 70 years old and has a large fam­i­ly but, be­cause they live a long way from him, he felt very lone­ly a lot of the time. Ethan told us that Fang has been his savior who brings him joy and who makes his life so much bet­ter. Ethan al­so said that, when…

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Noah, New Zealand

Maria and I are going to be married in a few weeks, and I can't believe my luck. I live in a pretty big city in New Zealand, but it is still quiet and still not much variety out there. The site gave me the chance to spread my wings a little without taking too much of a risk. Maria messaged me first, which still amazes me. She said she liked my…

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David and Oksana

For me, my good name and rep­u­ta­tion are the most im­por­tant things that I val­ue. I am se­ri­ous and hon­est and I have al­ways want­ed to find the same traits in my part­n­er for life. I was so lucky to find David through the In­ter­net!

It all start­ed on my birth­day when David just want­ed to wish me many hap­py things on my spe­cial day and then we…

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