Unsere Glücklichen Paare

Ka­ri­na and Colin al­ready knew they had a lot in com­mon af­ter com­mu­ni­cat­ing for 4 months but when they met in re­al life and went on an exc­it­ing jour­ney to­gether, they re­al­ly knew they had each found their soul­mate.


Ting and Tho­mas had both been di­vorced for sev­er­al years and were tired of be­ing alone but are now so hap­py they found each other on this site and know their lives are com­plete.


Al­though Tatya­na was at first a lit­tle doubt­ful that you could meet the love of your life on­line, as soon as she met Pierre for a ro­man­tic date in her home­town, all those doubts dis­ap­peared.


Af­ter be­ing sin­gle for 12 years, Tim was so hap­py to find the love of his life on this site. Now he and Ling who is from Chi­na are mar­ried and now live to­gether in the USA.


Morten and Ele­na gra­d­u­al­ly built their re­la­tion­ship step by step un­til they fi­nal­ly re­al­ized they could not live with­out each other and when they met in re­al life, they were even more con­vinced about that!


Just one mes­sage was all it took for Ge­orge and Iri­na’s love sto­ry to be­gin and then it re­al­ly blos­somed when they met in re­al life and could not take their eyes off one another.


Svet­la­na knew that one day she would find her soul­mate on the site but she lit­tle did she know that she would meet Zvi in re­al life with­out them even com­mu­ni­cat­ing on­line be­fore their date!


Larisa joined the site to find her soul mate but she had no idea it would hap­pen so quick­ly! Less than a week af­ter they met on­line, she and Rei­chow met for a date and re­al­ized they had found what they were both look­ing for.


When Ev­geniya and Kel­ly met in Kiev, she had such a won­der­ful time tak­ing him on a ro­man­tic sight­see­ing tour of her ci­ty and he was such a gentle­man that she hopes they meet again very soon.


Ele­na is so pleased that Greg chose her pro­file among thou­sands of others be­cause af­ter fi­nal­ly meet­ing in re­al life 5 months af­ter they met on­line, they both know they have found some­one very spe­cial.


Iri­na al­ready knew she had found some­one spe­cial af­ter she and Der­rick had chatt­ed on­line but when they met in per­son, she be­gan to be­lieve she may just have met her fu­ture hus­band!


Even though Va­le­ria was very in­ter­est­ed in David from their very first chat, she was a lit­tle con­cerned about the many dif­fer­ences be­tween them, al­most as though they were from dif­fer­ent worlds. But love can con­quer any bar­ri­ers and now they are hap­pi­ly to­gether.


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